Category Archives: Burundi

Buyoya exposed Kagame, révélant un mirage de prospérité au Rwanda comparé au Burundi.

Source: Africa Flashes

La capitale rwandaise, Kigali, est souvent vantée comme un symbole de modernité et de prospérité. Cependant, derrière les infrastructures flambant neuves et les vitrines éclatantes se cache une réalité difficile pour la majorité des Rwandais. Alors que certains bénéficient d’un cadre de vie confortable, une grande partie

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Zambia, Burundi agree to open embassies

During a recent State visit to Zambia,Burundian  President Ndayishimiye and President Hichilema have agreed to open embassies in each other’s countries, to further strengthen good relations and discussed the need to connect Lake Tanganyika as a water corridor to the Tazara Railway

Source: ZNBC Today

Zambia, Burundi agree to open

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Burundi: le président Ndayishimiye encense la découverte d’une «fabuleuse» mine de cassitérite

re posted from                                       RFI

Burundi: le président Ndayishimiye encense la découverte d’une «fabuleuse» mine de cassitérite

Le président du Burundi, Évariste Ndayishimiye, le 8 novembre 2022.
Le président du Burundi, Évariste Ndayishimiye, le 8 novembre 2022. AP – Peter Dejong

Le Burundi fait face depuis des mois à une grave crise socio-économique, caractérisée notamment par des pénuries de carburant, de

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Burundi Discovers Vast Mineral Deposits that Foreign Geologists Kept Secret

Source: Mashariki TV

17 Jul 2024

#Burundi: Harerekanwe ikinogo kirekire c’imetero 250 abazungu bahoze bimbamwo ubutare bugwiriyemwo ubwa #cassitérite na #coltan ku mutumba #Murehe uri muri komine #Busoni mu ntara ya #Kirundo abo bazungu bakaba basize Read the rest

Kagame Contradicts Himself: Why Doesn’t Burundi with Tutsi Population Attack the DRC?

Source: Media Kigali

16 July 2024

In this video, we expose the contradictory statements made by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda. He justifies his attacks on the DRC by claiming Tutsi persecution, yet Burundi, also home to a Read the rest

Ndayishimiye’s Urgent call to Rwandans to free themselves from Kagame’s grip and the FPR regime

Source: Media Kigali

Ndayishimiye’s Urgent call to Rwandans to free themselves from Kagame’s grip and the FPR regime

22 January 2024

President Ndayishimiye’s urgent call to Rwandans to liberate themselves from Kagame’s grip and the FPR regime is a significant development. He emphasizes the need for the Rwandan people, especially Read the rest

Ndayishimiye’s Urgent call to Rwandans to free themselves from Kagame’s grip and the FPR regime

Source: Africa Flashes English

Ndayishimiye’s Urgent call to Rwandans to free themselves from Kagame’s grip and the FPR regime

22 January 2024

President Ndayishimiye’s urgent call to Rwandans to liberate themselves from Kagame’s grip and the FPR regime is a significant development. He emphasizes the need for the Rwandan people, Read the rest

The African Continent Rallies Behind One of its Most Ambitious Construction Projects: the Standard Gauge Railway

re posted from                                CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

The African Continent Rallies Behind One of its Most Ambitious Construction Projects: the Standard Gauge Railway


The African continent is rallying behind the construction of a standard gauge railway that links the East and West Coast. The ambitious project

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