Paul Kagame: Made in America, Britain and Israel
Conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa – Origins and Solutions: Presentation given by Keith Harmon Snow, Oslo,
There is the mainstream narrative of what has happened in Rwanda and Congo and Burundi and Uganda and Sudan and there is the alternative narrative. I’m going to be introducing the mainstream narrative to start with; pretty much what we the general public have been told about the conflict in Central Africa. And then I would like to get into the way I see it. And you don’t have to believe what I believe but I ask you to think for yourself at the very least. It’s easy to name call and to throw around a lot of accusations and a lot of criticisms, such as genocide denier or genocide negationist or Jew hater or Tutsi hater or Hutu hater or whatever you want and I’m going to try to limit the name calling to focusing on a few individuals who have been responsible for some of the most egregious and horrible terrorism on the planet Earth since we have known anything we would call civilization.
The mainstream narrative on Rwanda goes like this, and this was the narrative I was told, that I bought and that I adopted and I used as a framework for understanding Rwanda from 1994 to 1996 when I began to unravel that narrative in my own mind. And the process of unravelling the narrative in my own mind continues because I was not born in Rwanda or Congo or Uganda. I don’t know the deeper history. I will never understand some of the things that people in Rwanda, Uganda, Congo or Sudan for example understand. But there are some things that are very clear to me and that’s what I am going to give you today.
So the mainstream narrative goes like this: There were 100 days of killing in Rwanda . It was nasty tribal violence. The Hutu people, who are the majority 85% of the population in Rwanda, just for no practical reason at all just started slaughtering the Tutsi people who are the minority of 15%, and 1% Twa of course. And over those 100 days something like 800 000 to 1.5 million Tutsi people were killed. We the United States did nothing. We the International Community did nothing. We should be held morally accountable for doing nothing in Rwanda. And therefore according to the mainstream narrative the victims of genocide in Rwanda have a certain victims license to be able to say or do just about anything they want because they suffered genocide. There are a lot of parallels between this and what happened in Germany. And the parallels are that there has become an industry that has been born around the subject of genocide as it relates to Germany and an industry that has been borne, that has been created or manifested and grown and nurtured around the subject of genocide in Rwanda. And a lot of the things I say about Rwanda are also true for Burundi and Eastern Congo as well, and has parallels with Uganda which I will talk about as well.
So according to the narrative, Paul Kagame, the current president of Rwanda, a Tutsi, stopped the genocide in Rwanda in July of 1994. In 6 April 1994 the planes carrying the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi was shot down over Kigali on approach from Tanzania. The double presidential assassination, in the beginning the media, and when I speak about the media I speak about mostly the American and British media, English press, Anglo American press, as well as some European media but not all. It’s not monolithic in Europe but it’s very monolithic in United States and Britain. And media from 1994 onward continues to spew this nonsense that there was a plane crash. The plane crashed. It was an accident, the plane crashed. This was repeated over and over.
The plane did not crash it was shot down by surface to air missiles on approaching Kigali, over the presidential palace belonging to Juvénal Habyarimana and his family. The language chosen to define this as a plane crash is part of the mystification of what really happened in Rwanda, part of covering up of who was really responsible for the violence, who supported the violence, who supported the invasion of Rwanda. We are talking about the invasion of Rwanda, a very small mountain country in Central Africa. The invasion of Rwanda began in the October of 1990. The war in Rwanda that began in October of 1990 continued from 1990 to 91, 92, 93, and 94. It was not 100 days of spontaneous tribal violence in Rwanda. It was a background, there was a history. And I `m going to go into that.
The main stream narrative that has been institutionalized is very, very strong in the mind-set of most of the English speaking public for example and plenty of non-English speakers as well in Europe for example. Unseating or destroying that narrative in the mind of an individual is a very difficult prospect. And I use my own thinking for what happened in Rwanda. From 94-96 I continued to write the story of the Tutsis being the victims of violence in Rwanda, the Tutsis being the victims of genocide in Rwanda. How horrible that these poor people, these poor Tutsis, I`m giving you the generalizations that the narrative spells about, that these poor Tutsis were the victims of genocide in Rwanda, how could we let this happen? I was absolutely outraged. And you know who am I? I am a small time farmer from Massachusetts , a very rural, red neck guy who somehow got involved in the subject of Rwanda, and I’m going to tell you what my interest is.
Because anybody in this room should ask, whenever you see anything in the media, in politics, you ask what is this person`s interest? What is the interest of CNN? What is the interest of the New York Times? Behind any story, any writer , Philip Gourevitch who wrote the book `We Wish to Inform you That Tomorrow we will be Killed with our Families`, that was one of the very first books that began to institutionalize that mythology of what happened in Rwanda and Philip Gourevitch of course never tells you that he has very close connections to the State Department , that his trips to Rwanda were paid for by the State Department , by the US Institute for Peace which is another misnomer, the US Institute for Peace, it’s not an institute for peace, it’s an institute for furthering empire around the world. And the Institute for Peace sponsored Gourevitch`s trip to Rwanda in 1995 whereby he generated a fictional text that was sold to the world, and is still sold in academia and through embassies and many legal institutions in the United States use this as their bible on Rwanda. They sell this tale that Philip Gourevitch spun which is based in fictions. Fictions that were sold to Gourevitch, fictions that Gourevitch knew to be fictions and that have been sold over and over and over.
The mainstream narrative again, 100 days of genocide beginning on April 6 and ending on July 15th , 800 000 to 1.5 million Tutsis killed. You can see their skeletons and sculls when you go to Kigali, they must be dead. There are skeletons and sculls in these genocide memorials all over Kigali, those people must have died. I mean the white person who goes to Rwanda and sees those skeletons and sculls is convinced that something horrible has happened but they don’t ever ask the question ; what is my psyche doing to me when I look at those pictures because the white American public, the British public for example, we are very sheltered from the violence in the world on a certain level and there’s something that’s been identified as white fragility , the fragility of the white mind to be accosted by, taking in the truth of the world, and the truth of those sculls is that there are dead people , people died. But you can’t look at a scull or a skeleton unless you do some sort of DNA analysis and you have to have a reference to the DNA that it belonged to to be able to figure out who that actually was, what their ethnicity was. So we can pile up a bunch of skeletons and say Johnny killed these people but Johnny may not have been present.
And that is exactly what happened here, skeletons and sculls have been collected and deposited all over Kigali . But the true perpetrators of the violence and the true victims remain to be disclosed on a certain level. So that’s the mainstream narrative and the way that it is perpetuated is through repetition, repetition, over and over. That’s the way propaganda operates by the way. Repetition propaganda works by repetition. We hear over and over that those poor Tutsis were killed. We have seen image after image of those Tutsis being killed. And people being cut down with machetes at roadblocks, Hollywood movies over and over. Hotel Rwanda was one of the first big films about that. So there is systematic propaganda involved, attacking our sensibilities and our psychologies every single day, everywhere. I mean all the stuff about the American elections, the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, what goes on in Columbia, what goes on in Indonesia. Each one of those things has its unique propaganda line. So propaganda has some truth and that’s the way it operates, a little bit of truth, just enough truth and then they slip in the big lie. The big lie of Rwanda is the mainstream narrative.
[Commenting on a slide being shown of African child with the words Hope for Africa written on it] Look at the letters Hope for Africa. The Hope is in white. This psychology of the white person saving Africa goes way back, the great white hope for Africa. This [indicating the image on the slide] is intentional propaganda. It’s not an accident that somebody picked the colour white for Hope and the colour red for Africa, Africa is bloody, dangerous and scary. Its full of disease, savages, tribal savages, not just savages, and we have to save them from themselves. This is the narrative of intervention that the great powers are now using behind the legal international doctrine of `the Responsibility to Protect`. It is now our responsibility to protect those savages from themselves and in fact if the Norwegians decide to be savage against each other ,it’s the role of the United States , Britain and Israel to come in and save you from yourselves. This is the responsibility to protect. This narrative has become very powerful, being used to further empower empire around the world serving multi-national corporate interests.
So I worked in the Congo from 2004 to 2006. I was working with a United Nations Observer Mission in Congo and the access to the eastern Congo and to the people of the region and to discuss with them what really happened in Rwanda, gave me a chance to talk to individuals who had fled Rwanda, to diplomats, to soldiers at the highest levels like the Dutch soldier who ran the operations in the Congo as well as the American diplomats.
So back in 1885 the Germans were able to take control of Ruanda-Burundi. And of course King Leopold had control of Congo soon after and the Brits took control of Kenya and on and on, the colonial powers at the Berlin Conference divided Africa up. But the Germans who controlled from 1886-1916 utilized the fact that the Tutsis were regarded as superior; they had control of the Hutu masses in Rwanda. And the Tutsi in Rwanda were a people who had class based interests. It was not along tribal lines. The Tutsi were the cattle herders and the warriors. And I beg the forgiveness of the people of Rwanda and Burundi for anything that I am not quite clear on but I am going to do my best. And the Germans and then later the Belgians and the French exploited the ethnic cleavages between the Tutsi and the Hutu. The Hutu masses were mostly the agriculturalists. Now you could become a Hutu by losing all your cattle, you could fall from economic power and become a Hutu. You could not so easily become a Tutsi but you could gain cattle and therefore in economic status.
So you see it was not along tribal lines. By 1959 the Hutu masses were tired of exploitation by the Belgian powers but they were more tired of exploitation by the Tutsi aristocracy. Now it’s really important to keep clear, we have the Tutsi aristocracy and the Tutsi people. The Tutsi aristocracy that ran Ruanda-Burundi were the most powerful elites, they had access to all kinds of resources and power and the ordinary Tutsi people weren`t necessarily affiliated with the aristocracy on that level and could be as poor as the Hutu people.
By 1959 the Hutu masses were tired of the Belgian colonial apparatus but even more tired of the aristocracy. And they forced out, in the Hutu revolution, they forced out the Tutsi aristocracy. Now this is where the narrative of the Tutsi as victims is more deeply institutionalized and begins. The Tutsi now generally become victims. The Tutsi are forced out of Rwanda because the Hutu masses seize control under independence. And there is a lot of Belgian colonial Catholic priests for example who support the liberation of the Hutus from the Tutsis and support the liberation of the Rwandan people generally from Belgium. So the Tutsi aristocracy flees Rwanda from 1959 to say 1964. They go to Tanzania, they go mostly to Uganda. Some go to the United States. Some go to Zambia etc. but many of them, the refugees, the aristocracy, go to Uganda.
Paul Kagame was just a few years old when his family fled to Uganda in the 1960s . And in Uganda Paul Kagame began to speak English, along with a lot of other people , he gained Ugandan citizenship and so did James Kabarebe and so did some of the other leaders of the current Rwandan power structure. So the point being, the Tutsi aristocracy fled Rwanda and they went to the Non Aligned Movement, this is very important, they went to the Non Aligned Movement. In the 1960s we had the American versus the Russian, the red scare and all that. The Non Aligned Movement was Brazil and Columbia and Indonesia and all the people of colour seeking liberation from the colonial structure all over the world. Well the Tutsi aristocracy ran to them and said `we are being oppressed, we have been forced out of Rwanda by the Belgians`. And of course the Hutus are happy to have the Tutsi aristocracy forced out of Rwanda and now are taking control of the power structure. And the Tutsi aristocracy is being armed, funded and trained by the Non Aligned Movement. And from Uganda and from other places over the course of the 1960s and 1970s the Tutsi aristocracy, Paul Kagame was just a child then but grew into this role, began attacks and continued to attack Rwanda from the outside .
They would sneak in under the cover of night and bomb schools. They would sneak in and bomb buses; they would sneak in and bomb markets. They would commit targeted assassinations And pretty much each time they would commit these targeted assassinations in Rwanda there would be reprisals against Tutsi people because the Hutu masses had lived under occupation and slavery for over 60, 70, 80 years. And they didn`t want to again submit to the Tutsi power structure. They could see Tutsis coming in from Uganda and committing these atrocities. The International Community did not challenge the attacks from the Tutsis coming from outside, instead we had a power play between France and the United States, between Belgium and France. In 1972 Juvenile Habyarimana takes control in a coup d’état and puts his allegiance from Belgium to France. So France and Belgium are after Rwanda and the United States are jostling for power so you have a power play between France and the United States and between Belgium and France. So you have hierarchies of struggle. And in these hierarchies you have the white colonial apparatus power structure on the outside and then within we have the Tutsis versus the Hutus, the Belgians versus the French. So this is all going on in Rwanda meanwhile Kagame and, well Kagame was still pretty young in 1972, but by 1990 Kagame is actually at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas in the United States being trained by the US military in, amongst other things, information warfare and psychological operations. Those are 2 of the things Kagame was trained in at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. So when the invasion happened in October 1990 from Uganda, this [indicating a slide showing RPF soldier] was Paul Kagame and his people.
So the whole counter narrative, the real truth, I’m going to give you, the real truth of what happened in the Great Lakes, and Sudan, it begins, well history is not interrupted by periods of violence and conflict , it`s continuous and linear. I’m going to cut to the early 1980s when Yoweri Museveni with the National Resistance Army seized power in Uganda, because that is the roots of the current massive violence in the Great Lakes region.
Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame seized power in Uganda using the National Resistance Army/ movement to take control of Uganda. Now remember Idi Amin, how many people saw The Last King of Scotland? Well it’s a beautiful fictional Hollywood tale. Who is the real hero in the movie? It’s a white guy. I can’t remember …he gets some nasty torture at the end of the movie and then he escapes, anyway he’s a young white guy who goes to Uganda to save the world and that’s how it goes. You know the Hollywood version of Africa always has the white guy who is the victim and the savior and the Tarzan at the same time. Remember Idi Amin was brought to power by Israel and the United States. And it was only when Idi Amin decided to work with Muamar Gadhafi and Russia, I believe, and get some MIG fighters , that the United States wouldn`t give him, suddenly the United States say Amin is the world`s greatest terrorist. He`s cutting the heads off people and putting them in refrigerators and stories like this. And Museveni came along and he was also backed partly by Libya and partly by Israel but Museveni came along and seized power by 1986 in Uganda. And in the process of seizing power in Uganda, Museveni and the National Resistance Army that included all of these Tutsi aristocrats and their families from Rwanda, committed horrible atrocities in Uganda. But the United States didn’t care. Britain didn’t care and Israel didn’t care because Museveni seized control from this nasty called Idi Amin and then Obote afterwards that was considered socialist because he wanted to feed the people. You can’t go around feeding your own people in a country like Uganda because that’s communist or socialist and the United States just won’t have it!.
So Museveni seized power by 1986, commits massive atrocities and covers them up and blamed the killing on the government, on Obote. The genocide that was committed against the Ocholi people in the Luwero Triangle in Uganda was committed by Museveni and the National Resistance Army.
And there’s a reason that Museveni is in power after all these years that’s because he has done exactly what USAID and the World Bank and the IMF and the corporations want and that is why he stays. And Uganda and Rwanda and South Sudan in particular, and Ethiopia [ PDL edit: under TPLF government] have become very powerful US military outposts. We have major bases in these countries. So in parallel with what was happening in the early 80s in Uganda, we had John Garang, who was also trained in the United States in a military college , actually he was trained at the School of the Americas which is known for creating these guys who go to Latin America and become dictators and commit massive atrocities there. So Garang was trained at the School of the Americas and he led the Sudan People’s Liberation Army. These organizations like the Sudan People’s Liberation Army or the Ugandan People Defense Forces , they always sound, well its Orwellian, they turn the language upside down and the people who commit atrocities are always called `liberationists` , liberation fighters. The Sudan People’s Liberation Army in the beginning was an army for the people but by 1990 the Sudan People’s Liberation Army was serving the United States interests in Sudan because Sudan had moved into the Arab bloc under Gaafar Nimeiri, under his successor. Nimeiri was a CIA agent, a CIA man in the 1980s and after him it became too Islamic so United States and Britain and Israel couldn’t have that so now we have John Garang fighting the so-called liberation struggle in southern Sudan. Now what happened in Sudan and Uganda, happened in Rwanda and eastern Congo.
That is our people, the white guys from United States, Britain and Israel won the war. South Sudan has become an independent state; Rwanda is controlled by Britain, the Pentagon and Israel, that’s to this day, Uganda as well. And there’s this overlap between the guys who are responsible for bringing about the so-called liberation of Uganda which would be Museveni and the `liberation` of South Sudan and the `liberation` of Rwanda or stopping the genocide in Rwanda which is what Kagame is accredited with and over-throwing Mobutu the longtime dictator in the Congo, in Zaire.
And the commonality between these guys is …we have the agents who worked on the ground for the United States, in particular Roger Winter. Now I introduce to you this book by Barrie Collins from the UK, from the Institute of African and Oriental Studies, called `Rwanda 1994 The Myth of the Akazu Genocide Conspiracy and its Consequences`. Part of the mainstream narrative is that there was an Akazu conjures up a sense of terrorism in the white mind. The Akazu in Rwanda were the people closest to the president, who went out and committed atrocities, targeted assassinations and made sure that Habyarimana was able to keep power. According to the mainstream narrative the Akazu were accredited with the assassination of Habyarimana and the organized genocide against the Tutsi people. Now this book attacks that narrative with a counter narrative and provides significant justification and plenty of references, as do my articles, to the real facts of the matter. In the book on page 76, there is one paragraph that mentions this guy Roger Winter and it mentions that Roger Winter in 1988 in Washington DC, in 1988 before the invasion in October 1990 of Rwanda, that he held a conference, he organized a conference for the diaspora of the Banyarwanda so it would be the diaspora of Rwanda, supposedly refugees forced out of Rwanda under Habyarimana. And this would be the Tutsi aristocracy. And Roger Winter organized this conference. He was funding the opposition newspaper through the State Department and then at this conference they decided it was time for a military attack against Rwanda, over-throwing the power structure in Rwanda through military force.
Roger Winter also led the Sudan People’s Liberation Army to victory in South Sudan. Roger Winter has also been seen in eastern Congo with the forces that marched across the Congo which included US military, black, special forces, US military in 95, 96, 97.
Roger Winter and this other guy especially Brian de Silva and Ted Dagne . These guys are very secretive. And behind each of these so-called guerilla movements, which in the American press are billed as guerilla movements, as liberation movements, liberation of the Christian people of South Sudan from the Islamic terrorists who run the North. You know why the United States doesn’t like the president of Sudan, Bashir? Because he doesn`t want to and won’t buy into the international banking system. Who runs the international banking system? Switzerland, Britain, the United States, the diamond Bourse out of Israel. That’s who runs the international banking system. And Bashir doesn`t want any part of that and that’s one of the reasons we are attacking Sudan. We are at war, we being the United States, Britain and Canada and Israel, at war in Darfur. And of course everyone has probably seen the claims about genocide in Darfur. Same story. The question is who is committing the atrocities? What happens is the American media goes in on airplanes provided by the Pentagon and they take pictures of dead bodies and they say `see what that nasty dictator in Khartoum has done`. Which is exactly what Museveni did in Uganda. He created the museums of sculls in the Luwero Triangle in Uganda , brought the media in and showed them all the dead bodies and said `see what the nasty government of Obote did`, see what those horrible perpetrators of genocide have done`. And that is exactly what Kagame did as well. But let’s get down to who killed who and where and when and what we know because these are the important facts.
[Indicates map of Africa] Let`s quickly take a look at a map of Africa . This is the oil map of Africa. So all those little coloured squares around the map are the big oil. There’s a few plots of big oil in the middle of the continent as well. They turn out to be very, very big plots .Now who do you suppose owns those? Is it Beatrice from Rwanda who has a piece of the oil pie in Lake Kivu or the methane natural gas in Lake Kivu? No no no. So just take a look at the map. Somalia is completely wrapped in oil . The Ogaden Basin where some of the worst atrocities against humanity have been committed over the last 15 years. Complete media wipe out. Anyone know anything about the violence in the Ogaden Basin in Ethiopia? Oil in central Congo, Gabon, Nigeria. We talking about, of course mostly white directors and big oil companies, Shell , ELF etc.
[Indicates slide] Philip Gourevitch `Continental Shift `. The New Yorker began to sell the narrative that supported the cover-up of Israeli American interests. What happened in Rwanda was an invasion. It was a coup d’état , we won the war, from 1990-1994 everything was put in place to make sure that when the presidential plane was shot down that Kagame would win the war, not stop the genocide, win the war . From October 1990-1994 two million mostly Hutu people but also Tutsis, French speaking Tutsis were forced to Kigali as refugees. 2 million refugees in April 1994 when Kagame shot down the plane and the butchery in the north, in Byumba in Rwanda, the butchery in the Kigera region by the Rwandan Patriotic Army under Paul Kagame was unprecedented. Bulldozers covering up, you know, thousands and thousands of bodies in the Kigera National Park . And then on in Congo where they chased down all these innocent men, women and children, mostly Hutu men, women and children mixed up with a lot of Congolese refugees and slaughtered them in the coldest of blood in Kisangani and Tingi- Tingi and other refugee camps and the narrative of the killing of the refugees was `they committed genocide in Rwanda therefore we don’t really have any moral needs to save their lives.`
[indicates a slide] `How Should we Help` this is what the New York Times said at the time. You know hundreds of thousands of men, women and children , non-combatants, non-combatant men, women and children were about to be slaughtered at Tingi Tingi in late 1996 early 97 and everybody knew it, all these American state Department officials knew what was going on . They all claimed `we don’t know what’s happening what’s going on`. The Pentagon has satellite images that show everything that happened. The filmmaker, Hubert Sauper Kisangani Diaries, short film, Kisangani Diaries who also made Darwin’s Nightmare, he documented what was about to happen to these refugees. So the media is like `oh how can we help? We don’t know what to do?` Oh come on! What kind of nonsense and people eat up this kind of propaganda. `How can we help? What can we do? ` – it creates confusion in the white mind. `We don’t know what to do`. `We don’t know how to save these refugees`.
Sure we do! We just call up Kill Kagame and say back off! Go back to your country, you’ve invaded the Congo go back to your country, go home! And you don’t even belong there! But Kagame committed the supreme crime of the invasion of a sovereign nation in October of 1990, no matter what you argue about Juvénal Habyarimana – whether you consider him to be a saint who made a somewhat developed country for his people or whether you consider him to be a terrorist dictator who went around slaughtering his opposition, we invaded, Paul Kagame backed by the Pentagon invaded Rwanda. It was the supreme violation of international law, the invasion of another county. No one’s said anything about it. Museveni covered it up. It was all covered up and that was the beginning of the end for many, many of these people. Kagame and the American media have, I mean there’s plenty of photographs that show American military involvement. There’s plenty of witnesses to the C130s flying into the Congo. There`s plenty of witnesses to Roger Winter being on the front lines with the Rwandan Patriotic Army as they marched into Rwanda in 1994 . And then you’ve got the mercenaries like Tony Buckingham and Tim Spicer who operated in Iraq and Afghanistan and eastern Congo. And the mercenary corporations like DynCorp who works directly with UN missions. And then you’ve got the United Nations itself. What was that Canadian General Roméo Dallaire. He was not an innocent bystander who could have stopped the genocide! The whole narrative [was] `we could have stopped the genocide`. `We could have stopped the genocide.`
What genocide because the Rwandan Patriotic Front, the English-speaking Tutsis were butchering people left and right whether they were French speaking Tutsis or whether they were Hutu people or whether they were Twa people, or whether they were Congolese people or anybody who got in the way. They butchered them in the coldest of blood. And then they brought in the media and said `this is what the government has done, this is organized genocide against the Tutsi people`. The Tutsi people is a misnomer because we have the Tutsi aristocracy, the English speaking Tutsis, and the French speaking Tutsis , people who are also victims of this violence ,as 200 000 Tutsi people did die in Rwanda. They were killed by Hutus, they were killed by Tutsis. They were killed, some in spontaneous acts of violence. But not an organized genocide as we’ve been told. The International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda does not have a single document in evidence that proves or substantiates the claim that there was an organized genocide in Rwanda by the Hutu power structure, the Akazu, or the interim government or the Habyarimana government. They have nothing and they couldn’t substantiate that. Meanwhile they didn’t try a single Tutsi for any crimes against humanity or acts of genocide. So who really committed genocide in Rwanda? That’s the big question. And the answer is Kagame made it possible and it was not an organized genocide, an act of genocide is when someone is killed on an ethnic basis. There were acts of genocide but it was not an organized genocide unless we talk about the systematic extermination of hundreds of thousands of Hutu people. And the systematic extermination of innocent Tutsis did not occur but there were random, spontaneous killings of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis. So 800 000 – 1.5 million people dead. Who were they? The census of 1990 and early 1993 show there weren’t 500 000, 900 000 Tutsis in Rwanda. How could there be 800 000 to 1.5 million Tutsi victims of genocide? How? The answer is most of the people who were killed 600 000 to 1.3 million were Hutus in Rwanda. And then there’s the genocidal killing of Hutus , hunting them down and killing them in the coldest of blood in the eastern Congo.
Transcribed by PD Lawton