Monthly Archives: March 2017

The New Silk Road: a True “Recipe for Peace”

re posted from                      LAROUCHEPAC.COM

The New Silk Road: a True “Recipe for Peace”

in an article published in Forbes magazine March 19, author Wade Shepard offers an excellent, detailed description of China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative, underscoring that the global development proposal put forward by President Xi Jinping

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De l’aide au développement au co-développement

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De l’aide au développement au co-développement

Cet article  a été rédigé pour répondre à Action contre la Faim, Action Santé Mondiale, CARE France et ONE dans le cadre de  « l’élaboration par leurs organisations d’un outil pour comparer l’engagement des candidat-e-s à l’élection présidentielle sur les

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700 dead, 1.8 million infected with Malaria in Burundi

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Tue Mar 14, 2017 3:13PM
The file photo shows a health worker attending to a child infected with Malaria in Burundi.
The file photo shows a health worker attending to a child infected with Malaria in Burundi.

Malaria has killed hundreds of people and infected close to two million in Burundi as

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Rwanda: RPF Crimes in DRC, an exiled ex-DMI and soldier testifies

re posted from                              Rising Continent

Rwanda: RPF Crimes in DRC, an exiled ex-DMI and soldier testifies

Boston - Rwanda Day 2012Jambonews, an online news outlet, made a French transcript of a testimony given by an ex-DMI and soldier of the Rwandan Patriotic Front. I personally heard him live

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