Monthly Archives: June 2020

Rosatom Reaffirms Commitment to Africa’s Nuclear Energy Future

re posted from                                              EIR DAILY ALERT SERVICE

Rosatom Reaffirms Commitment to Africa’s Nuclear Energy Future

June 29 (EIRNS)—In the wake of the challenge it issued to the world May 7—for any company to develop and produce ten 250 MW small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) for the country—South Africa has continued … Read the rest

Le New Deal vert : Sortir du piège de la finance verte

re posted from                                        SOLIDARITE ET PROGRES

Le New Deal vert : Sortir du piège de la finance verte 

Qui aujourd’hui ne se dit pas vert et écologiste ?

Pourtant, rares sont celles et ceux qui connaissent l’origine réelle d’un paradigme devenue nouvelle religion ?

continue a lire ici: Source:… Read the rest

Nations Must Study Alexander Hamilton’s Principles of Political Economy

re posted from                                    AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Nations Must Study Alexander Hamilton’s Principles of Political Economy

Hamilton Versus Wall Street: The Core Principles Of the American System of Economics      By Nancy Bradeen Spannaus

A Review by Lawrence Freeman-March 28 2019

For those followers of our beloved Alexander Hamilton and … Read the rest

Alexander Hamilton’s Credit System Is Necessary for Africa’s Development

re posted from                                AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Alexander Hamilton’s Credit System Is Necessary for Africa’s Development

October 4, 2019

Below is a half hour video presentation on the importance of Alexander Hamilton’s credit policy for the development of Africa. The forum was organized by Watch Democracy Grow, an organization … Read the rest

Africa’s Development Requires Twenty-Fold Increase in Electricity, 7,000 New Nuclear Power Plants

re posted from                             EIR DAILY ALERT SERVICE

Africa’s Development Requires Twenty-Fold Increase in Electricity, 7,000 New Nuclear Power Plants

June 26 (EIRNS)—Preliminary work by the LaRouche Economic Task Force has found that in order to counter the imminent fatal effects on Africa of the COVID-19 pandemic and famine, as well … Read the rest

China’s Long March Out of Poverty

re posted from                       EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This article appears in the June 26, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

China’s Long March Out of Poverty

[Print version of this article]

Public domain
Deng Xiaoping, who put China firmly on the path of “reform and opening up.”
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re posted from                                THE SCHILLER INSTITUTE

On June 24, 2020, the following statement was issued today by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder of the Schiller Institute.

Vladimir Putin’s detailed and very straightforward article on the background to the Second World War, which he substantiates with important historical documents, and his speech … Read the rest

Russia Active in Africa Nuclear Industry and Space Expansion

More than 8,000 people are now employed in the African space industry, and discussion is increasing about the establishment of an African Space Agency—a project first raised in 2010—with five countries having already volunteered to host it.

re posted from                          E.I.R DAILY ALERT SERVICE

Russia Active in Africa Nuclear Industry

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TRANSAQUA : Transform Africa

“The [Transaqua] Project is expected to directly bring economic development to 7 African countries and, indirectly, benefits to 5 more countries associated with the Congo and Lake Chad basins……..The consequences of the drying up of Lake Chad and the loss of source of livelihood in the Sahel is affecting human … Read the rest