Monthly Archives: August 2021

Neo-Colonial Interference in Ethiopia :Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, Russian journalist

In the new multi-polar world we are living in, the Warlords of Westminster and Washington can no longer dictate policy to free and sovereign countries like Ethiopia . Their colour revolutions and destabilization strategies of supporting rebel militias, minority groups and opposition parties are not working as well as they … Read the rest

End Hunger and Poverty in Africa by Freeing the Continent From ‘Oligarchical’ Interference

re posted from                  AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Let us encourage all people and leaders of good will to make the eradication of poverty and hunger in Africa a great project of humankind, to be accomplished within the next 20 years. Let us not allow the West to use Read the rest

Le nucléaire : une part de la réponse à la pénurie d’électricité en Afrique sub-saharienne ?

re posted from                       AFRIQUE DU FUTUR

Le nucléaire : une part de la réponse à la pénurie d’électricité en Afrique sub-saharienne ?

Dans cet article d’opinion, Isabel Bosman, du think tank SAIIA (South African Institute of International Affairs), soutient que, malgré ses écueils, le nucléaire reste une voie à Read the rest

Future Africa| Lawrence Freeman Long serving Political Economic Analyst For Africa.

“The lack of basic infrastructure is killing africa. The lack of electricity is a killer for Africa. The lack of railroads connecting the countries is retarding economic development.”

Source : OBN Oromiyaa [Oromia Broadcasting Network]

Future Africa| Lawrence Freeman Long serving Political Economic Analyst For Africa.

17 August 2021… Read the rest

Production of Equipment begins for Egypt’s El Dabaa nuclear power plant

Energy/Electricity is the Power to Develop and Eliminate Poverty in Africa

Source: The New Africa Channel

Production of Equipment begins for Egypt’s El Dabaa nuclear power plant

12 August 2021

Production of Equipment begins for Egypt’s El Dabaa nuclear power plant: The 2nd nuclear power plant in Africa – Read the rest