Monthly Archives: February 2021

Chinese ‘Debt Trap” is a Myth-Biden Would be Wise Not to Continue Trump’s Attacks on China in Africa

re posted from                           AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Chinese ‘Debt Trap” is a Myth-Biden Would be Wise Not to Continue Trump’s Attacks on China in Africa 

February 17, 2021

This recent article, The Chinese ‘debt-trap’ is a myth, written by Deborah Brautigam, Director of the China-Africa Research Institute (CARI), provides … Read the rest

Strategic Hour with Matt Ehret: Exposing the British Creation of Radical Islam 1865-present

Source: Canadian Patriot Press

Strategic Hour with Matt Ehret: Exposing the British Creation of Radical Islam 1865-present

24 February 2021

In this week’s episode of the Strategic Hour on Rogue News, Matt, V and CJ discussed the true origins of modern radical Islam (as well as radical Zionism and Read the rest

South African Nuclear Scientist Kelvin Kemm: Africa’s Future Depends On Nuclear power

No Technological Apartheid, Africa Must Go Nuclear !

Source: Schiller Institute


Dr. Kelvin Kemm insists that “technological apartheid” not be imposed upon continental Africa. Instead the deployment of advanced nuclear power plant designs, including the fourth generation pebble bed reactors designed in South Africa, as well as floating modular … Read the rest

African Development Bank Joins Great Reset

re posted from                      EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

African Development Bank Joins Great Reset

The African Development Bank (AfDB) announced on January 25 the launch of the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program, at the Global Center for Adaptation (GCA) summit, a partner with the AfDB in the effort. “Our ambition is bold,” said … Read the rest

Les gilets jaunes contre le principe du Franc CFA et sa production en France

France conducts a financial system of imperialism over its `former` African colonies. It is called CFA. This inspiring video is the Gilets Jaunes, the Yellow Vests, visit to the factory in France that manufacture the CFA notes . The Gilets Jaunes were informed of this colonial practice by the French … Read the rest

Il y a une alternative au Great Reset !

re posted from                 SOLIDARITE ET PROGRES

Notre tract : “Il y a une alternative au Great Reset !”

mercredi Janvier 20 2021

Great reset, grande réinitialisation : il suffit de prononcer ces mots pour être accusé de « folie conspirationniste » par les médias et les salons bien-pensants. Il … Read the rest