Category Archives: New World Order

Larry C. Johnson and Bill Binney on the CrowdStrike and the Russian Hack of the DNC Emails

Larry Johnson and Bill Binney , extremely brave and good Americans, talk about the Western dictatorship, the Western Police State that exists beneath the veneer of freedom

Source: Dialogue Matters

25 July 2024… Read the rest

The Eye of the Storm: ENERGY WARS

re posted from                        RISING TIDE FOUNDATION

Please take the time to watch this video, like and share. We cannot afford to remain in the dark on this vital subject any longer.

– Cynthia Chung, President of the Rising Tide Foundation

I am immensely happy to present to you all Ep. … Read the rest

Silenced South African Covid Experts Finally Allowed to Speak Out!

an incredible interview with a GP who clearly loves his community and cares for his patients! Isn`t that what medicine used to be about?!

Source: Vejon Health

11 May 2024

In this exclusive interview, silenced Covid expert (Dr Ellapen Rapiti – South Read the rest

Philippe Grégoire : FNSEA, oligopole, histoire et fonctionnement de l’agriculture française

Source: Solidarité et Progrès,

13 Fev 2024

Jacques Cheminade s’est entretenu avec Philippe Grégoire, exploitant agricole en polyculture et élevage, responsable agriculture à République souveraine, et membre du Samu Social Agricole National. Quelles sont les causes de la crise Read the rest

Why is the Scientific Community Silent on Vaccine Injuries?

to listen to uncensored interviews visit link below video

Source: Vejon Health

28 July 2023

This clip is from an interview with Dr Shankara Chetty, “Unleashed on Covid”, which was censored on YouTube.

Watch full interview here:…Read the rest

Breaking History Ep 22: Henry Kissinger as British Agent

re posted from                               CANADIAN PATRIOT

Breaking History Ep 22: Henry Kissinger as British Agent

Read the rest