Category Archives: Uganda

PD Lawton : The Crisis in The DRC, The Blood Mines, Paul Kagame, The Rwandan Genocide. What’s The Connection?

In this interview with Msingi Afrika TV, PD Lawton talks about Rwanda 1994 and the on-going war in DRC which is “uptopian level deregulation” for the Western multi nationals who trade in minerals

Source: Msingi Afrika TV

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How the Anglo American Network Took Power in Rwanda and DRC Using Tutsi Supremacists and Minority Rights

re posted from                            COVERT ACTION MAGAZINE

How the Anglo American Network Took Power in Rwanda and DRC Using Tutsi Supremacists and Minority Rights

0905 President Bush meets with President Jospeh Kabila, Democratic Republic of Congo (far right) President Thabo Mbeki, South Africa; and President Paul Kagame, Rwanda (far left). Waldorf-Astoria
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Rwanda, 1994-2024 : Trente Ans, Déjà. Intervention de P. Rusesabagina au Congrès rwandais du Canada

Source: Radio Inkingi

Rwanda, 1994-2024 : Trente Ans, Déjà. Intervention de P. Rusesabagina au Congrès rwandais du Canada

22 Juin 2024

Conférence-Débat oranisé par le Congrès Rwandais du Canada. “Rwanda, 1994-2024 : Trente Ans, Déjà”. Trois décennies sont passées, sans s’effacer. C’est comme si c’était hier alors qu’en même temps Read the rest