Category Archives: Chad

CAR rebels surrender as Chad military joins in border peace efforts.

interesting……something big is planned for CAR…$US 100 million from USAID for southern border with DRC

Source: Africa News Agency

CAR rebels surrender as Chad military joins in border peace efforts.

7 Nov 2024

The Central African Republic said Wednesday that several hundred rebels have surrendered and handed over their weapons Read the rest

Pourquoi la guerre du Sahel aura bien lieu, malgré la levée des sanctions de la Cedeao

Source: Nathalie Yamb

1 Mars 2024

Les sanctions de la Cedeao ont été levées, et pourtant, on se dirige vers une guerre de grande ampleur au Sahel. Nathalie Yamb explique pourquoi Read the rest

Ethnic mass killings in one Sudan city last year left up to 15,000 dead: UN report

re posted from                              PRESSTV

The attacks were planned, coordinated, and executed by RSF and their allied Arab militias,” the sanctions monitors wrote in their annual report. “When reaching RSF checkpoints women and men were separated, harassed, searched, robbed, and physically assaulted.”

The monitors said the RSF takeover of most of … Read the rest