Category Archives: Niger

“We have irrevocably turned our backs on ECOWAS” General Abdourahmane Tchiani speech at AES Summit

Source: Abraza Africana

“We have irrevocably turned our backs on ECOWAS” General Abdourahmane Tchiani speech at AES Summit

7 Jul 2024

This is the speech that was delivered by the President of Niger, Brigadier General Abdourahmane Tchiani during the inaugural Alliance of Sahel States Heads of State Summit at the Read the rest

Bénin-Niger: Patrice Talon dans l’impasse | Les révélations exclusives de Nathalie Yamb

Source: Nathalie Yamb

Bénin-Niger: Patrice Talon dans l’impasse | Les révélations exclusives de Nathalie Yamb

19 Mai 2024

Qui sont les agents de la DGSE qui travaillent à la déstabilisation de Niger à partir du Bénin? Pourquoi Talon n’avait pas d’autre choix que de faire volte face? Les coulisses, les Read the rest

Russia’s Strategy as War Continues | Israel in the Process of Self-Destruction | Dmitry Orlov

Source: Dialogue Works

13 April 2024

Please go to and subscribe to Dmitry’s blog or send a tip to support Dmitry.

Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic family, and emigrated Read the rest

Libérons le Niger, l’Afrique et la France de leurs occupants !

re posted from                         INSTITUT SCHILLER

Libérons le Niger, l’Afrique et la France de leurs occupants !

15 août 2023

ecrit par                           Jacques Cheminade,                 Paris, le 15 août 2023 

A l’heure où la France multiplie les maladresses, les incohérences et, pour tout dire, fait preuve d’une vision totalement dépassée de la

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Ancient to Medieval Mali and Niger: Djenné-Djenno sister city of Timbuktu

Ancient to Medieval Mali and Niger: Djenné-Djenno sister city of Timbuktu

by PD Lawton     25 March 2024

image courtesy wikicommons : figure found at Djenné-Djenno still being held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York.

Founded in the third century BCE, the city of Djenné-Djenno covered 33 hectares. It was … Read the rest