Tag Archives: solutions

Burundi: le président Ndayishimiye encense la découverte d’une «fabuleuse» mine de cassitérite

re posted from                                       RFI

Burundi: le président Ndayishimiye encense la découverte d’une «fabuleuse» mine de cassitérite

Le président du Burundi, Évariste Ndayishimiye, le 8 novembre 2022.
Le président du Burundi, Évariste Ndayishimiye, le 8 novembre 2022. AP – Peter Dejong

Le Burundi fait face depuis des mois à une grave crise socio-économique, caractérisée notamment par des pénuries de carburant, de

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Burundi Discovers Vast Mineral Deposits that Foreign Geologists Kept Secret

Source: Mashariki TV

17 Jul 2024

#Burundi: Harerekanwe ikinogo kirekire c’imetero 250 abazungu bahoze bimbamwo ubutare bugwiriyemwo ubwa #cassitérite na #coltan ku mutumba #Murehe uri muri komine #Busoni mu ntara ya #Kirundo abo bazungu bakaba basize Read the rest

Energy Sound Bites on Fossil Fuels

re posted from                             ALEX EPSTEIN SUBSTACK

Energy Sound Bites on Fossil Fuels, Part 1

Easy-to-remember arguments for using more fossil fuels

  • Most “experts” look at the negatives of fossil fuels but ignore huge positives.
  • Many “experts” ignore that much of the world would starve without fertilizer from natural gas.
  • Many
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Uprising in Kenya : IMF Don`t Want Their Money Back. They Want Your Country

The president of Kenya has long been regarded as a Western client, if not puppet, and that is not without reason. He has regularly ingratiated himself with the West. He has been pursuing neo-liberal economic policy within Kenya which have made the lives of people increasingly miserable so this Read the rest