Category Archives: Egypt

Kagame Contradicts Himself: Why Doesn’t Burundi with Tutsi Population Attack the DRC?

Source: Media Kigali

16 July 2024

In this video, we expose the contradictory statements made by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda. He justifies his attacks on the DRC by claiming Tutsi persecution, yet Burundi, also home to a Read the rest

Egypt-Russia: “Al-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant Acts the Death of the Western Imperialist System”

automatic translation : re posted from            

“The area of France is 644,000 square kilometres, while that of Africa is 30.4 million square kilometres, or about 50 times France. However, France has 56 nuclear power plants that produce about 80% of the electricity consumed in the country. If we make a Read the rest

Égypte-Russie: « La centrale nucléaire d’Al-Dabaa acte la mort du système impérialiste occidental »

re posted from                        

Égypte-Russie: « La centrale nucléaire d’Al-Dabaa acte la mort du système impérialiste occidental »

Ecoutez mon dernier interview sur Sputnik Afrique avec Kamel Louadj en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous

Égypte-Russie: « La centrale nucléaire d’Al-Dabaa acte la mort du système impérialiste occidental »

Dans cette édition … Read the rest

GERD Talks Must Shift To Higher Level: Developing the Nile Basin

The colonial mentality has to give way to the mandate for development

re posted from                             AFRICA AND THE WORLD

GERD Talks Must Shift To Higher Level: Developing the Nile Basin

Lawrence Freeman being interviewed by the Ethiopian Herald on Dec 23, 2023 about the 4th round of talks on the

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COP 28 Will Not Stop Africa: The World’s Next Economic Miracle

re posted from                            EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This article appears in the December 22, 2023 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

COP 28 Will Not Stop Africa:
The World’s Next Economic Miracle

Dec. 6—Africa will not accept the Malthusian demands of the billionaires who jet to United Nations “climate”

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The Kissinger Report, a Frontal Attack Against African Populations

Why is there still so much poverty in Africa? The Malthusian doctrine devised by Henry Kissinger to keep Africans suffering and for the survivors of poverty and war, there is birth control by one way or another. Henry Kissinger acts for the Western oligarchy. Subtitles in English on Nathalie  Yamb`s … Read the rest