Monthly Archives: November 2021

Why is America Supporting the TPLF and Not the Democratically Elected Ethiopian Government?

interview with PD Lawton, African political Analyst & Historian based in Davon November 30, 2021

Source : AMN-English

30 Nov 2021

An exclusive interview with PD Lawton, African political Analyst & Historian based in Davon,UK on current affairs of Ethiopia

Addis Media Network November 30, 2021… Read the rest

NOMORE says Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Chad

French occupation of the Sahel continues amid rising resentment. 2 Nigeriens killed yesterday by French forces. In Burkina Faso, a young boy celebrated for taking down a French drone spying on protestors, with his catapault


NOMORE says Niger, Burkinafaso, Mali, Chad | One Africa

29 Nov 2021… Read the rest

Huge Support Worldwide for Ethiopian and Eritrean Diaspora anti war No More Movement

No More Foreign Political  Intervention in Africa

Source: HermelaTV

23 November 2021

On November 21, 2021 – The Ethiopian and Eritrean diaspora, along with our allies, A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition & Black Alliance For Peace held a historic Global Day of Protest in 27 cities to say #NoMore / Video Edited by Read the rest

U.S. Diplomats Collaborate With TPLF to Plot Removal of PM Abiy From Governing Ethiopia

re posted from                                 AFRICA AND THE WORLD

U.S. Diplomats Collaborate With TPLF to Plot Removal of PM Abiy From Governing Ethiopia

November 26, 2021

It is instructive to read Jeff Pearce’s article; Ethiopia: Western Diplomats Meet in Secret to Decide How to Help the TPLF , based on the secret … Read the rest

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Joins Troops on the battlefront

Ethiopians are blessed with their leadership

Source: CGTN Africa

Ethiopian PM on the battlefront: People’s reaction following the move

25 Nov 2021

CGTN’s Girum Chala reporting from Ethiopia talks about the reactions from various quarters following the decision by Prime Minister Ahmed Abiy to join the battlefront against Tigray Forces.Read the rest

Davos Billionaires Want to Save the Planet… Why Don’t Developing Countries Trust Them?

re posted from                       STRATEGIC CULTURE FOUNDATION

Davos Billionaires Want to Save the Planet… Why Don’t Developing Countries Trust Them?

by Matthew Ehret , 17 November 2021

For the time being, the world’s developing sector is generally not going to accept being sacrificed on the altar of a new Gaia cult

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Small modular reactors – designing nuclear energy for African landscapes

re posted from                               ESI-AFRICA

Small modular reactors – designing nuclear energy for African landscapes

Chemical engineer Zak Madela at a portion of the demonstration PBMR fuel production plant at Pelindaba near Pretoria. Image provided.

The use of nuclear energy is a highly controversial topic, with there being as many doubters Read the rest