Tag Archives: national suicide

PD Lawton interview with Ethiopia`s OBN Horn of Africa

I recently had the honour of an interview with OBN Horn of Africa on President Trump`s re-election and what this entails for Africa. We discussed  Ethiopia`s Green Legacy Initiative, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam ( GERD), nuclear energy and much more

Source: OBN Horn of Africa

Special edition

28 Jan
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Geert’s SHOCKING 2025 Predictions Revealed?

Source: Vejon Health

Geert’s SHOCKING 2025 Predictions Revealed?

11 Jan 2025

Get ready for the most mind-blowing predictions of 2025! Geert, a renowned expert vaccinologist, who warned about the risks of mass vaccination in 2021, shares his shocking forecasts that will leave you speechless. Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM Read the rest

Habitat Destruction Offsets for “Renewables” are just Indulgences

re posted from                           WATTSUPWITHTHAT

Habitat Destruction Offsets for “Renewables” are just Indulgences

By David Wojick

A bad idea is emerging in the “renewables” world, namely that projects can buy their way out of destroying natural habitats. The wind and solar projects still destroy the natural habitats they are built on … Read the rest

On the Reconstruction of Notre Dame as a tourist attraction for Paris, beyond secularism to the homogenizing of the Western hive mind : Flight to Arras

On the Reconstruction of Notre Dame as a tourist attraction for Paris, beyond secularism to the homogenizing of the Western hive mind : Flight to Arras

Part 2 of Flight to Arras, On Civilization

by PD Lawton, 7 December 2024

the following is an excerpt from Flight to Arras by  … Read the rest

Neil Oliver Interviews Edward Dowd – They’ve created a monster!!!

Neil Oliver is a household name in Britain. He put soul back into the field of archaeology and the ancient history of the British Isles. He talks here to Edward Dowd, former BlackRock hedgefund manager.  Edward Dowd explains the figures…millions and millions of lives affected, ruined, lost. Terrifying numbers and … Read the rest

The End of History Delusion: Partying Like it’s 1992

re posted from                                MATT EHRET SUBSTACK

The End of History Delusion: Partying Like it’s 1992

“The future ain’t what it used to be.” — Yogi Berra

As nations look toward the future with mixture of hope and trepidation, it is worth asking: how did this dangerous theater of the absurd … Read the rest