Category Archives: Tanzania

African Leaders Speak Out for Physical Economic Growth at World Bank Forum

re posted from                          AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Under the cover of their duplicitous concern for the environment, the West is willing to have millions of Africans die with their deceitful cries to “save the planet.

African Leaders Speak Out for Physical Economic Growth at World Bank Forum

22 May 2024… Read the rest

The African Continent Rallies Behind One of its Most Ambitious Construction Projects: the Standard Gauge Railway

re posted from                                CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

The African Continent Rallies Behind One of its Most Ambitious Construction Projects: the Standard Gauge Railway


The African continent is rallying behind the construction of a standard gauge railway that links the East and West Coast. The ambitious project

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Kagame multiplie des ennemis en Afrique : la RDC, le Burundi et la Tanzanie

translation available at source

re posted from                                   MEDIA CONGO PRESS

Kagame multiplie des ennemis en Afrique : la RDC, le Burundi et la Tanzanie

24 Janvier 2024

Le président rwandais Paul Kagame est, sur le plan sécuritaire et diplomatique, pris en étau entre la République démocratique du Congo, le Burundi

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Tanzania: Railways revolution becomes a reality after SGR test run

re posted from                       DAILY NEWS

Railways revolution becomes a reality after SGR test run

TANZANIA: AS Tanzania commemorates three years since President Samia Suluhu Hassan assumed office, significant progress has been made in the implementation of crucial infrastructure projects, notably the Standard Gauge Railway

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Transforming Railways In Tanzania: An Exclusive Interview With TRC’s Director General, Masanja Kadogosa

Progress Report of Tanzanian section of Central Corridor of African Integrated High Speed Railway Network (AIHSRN : DAR ES SALAAM – BURUNDI – RWANDA -EASTERN DRC

Railways Africa Magazine in conversation with Masanja K. Kadogosa, the Director General of Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC)

Image: courtesy of

Central Corridor Tanzania

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Tanzania: Progress Video Standard Gauge Railway Line From Morogoro to Makutupora

Yapi Merkezi is the Turkish construction company that is constructing a major part of the HIGH SPEED Standard Gauge Railway connecting Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – Burundi, Rwanda and eastern DRC. This is the CENTRAL CORRIDOR of the AFRICAN INTEGRATED HIGHSPEED RAILWAY NETWORK (AIHSRN) It will eventually traverse DRC and … Read the rest

East African Community continues on a trajectory of expansion as Summit admits Somalia into the bloc

re posted from                                    EAST AFRICA COMMUNITY

East African Community continues on a trajectory of expansion as Summit admits Somalia into the bloc

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 25th November, 2023: The East African Community has once more expanded its borders and market … Read the rest

$4 Billion Tanzania-Uganda Oil Pipeline Project,World Longest Heated Pipeline, to Kick Off Operations in 2025

oil means revenue, energy, fuel, plastics for manufacturing and oil means ferilizer which means food security

re posted from                               CONSTRUCTION REVIEW ONLINE

Despite all the criticism, the development of the Tanzania-Uganda Oil Pipeline project will progress either with or without the participation of Standard Bank as it is the right … Read the rest