Category Archives: Nuclear Energy for Africa

Energy Sound Bites on Fossil Fuels

re posted from                             ALEX EPSTEIN SUBSTACK

Energy Sound Bites on Fossil Fuels, Part 1

Easy-to-remember arguments for using more fossil fuels

  • Most “experts” look at the negatives of fossil fuels but ignore huge positives.
  • Many “experts” ignore that much of the world would starve without fertilizer from natural gas.
  • Many
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The Eye of the Storm: ENERGY WARS

re posted from                        RISING TIDE FOUNDATION

Please take the time to watch this video, like and share. We cannot afford to remain in the dark on this vital subject any longer.

– Cynthia Chung, President of the Rising Tide Foundation

I am immensely happy to present to you all Ep. … Read the rest

My African Dream; Nuclear Power Everywhere

re posted from                            BUSINESS +FINANCIAL TIMES ONLINE

The African reactor for Africa is ready.

A number of African leaders are wisely leading their countries on the sensible path of determining an African solution for African conditions, and have come to the conclusion that small nuclear reactors are the answer
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Lawrence Freeman: Why Rules-Based International Order Has Failed and Will Always Fail:The Case of Africa

Lawrence Freeman calls for the fundamental human right of development for the African continent in this extraordinarily detailed, comprehensive and superbly informative presentation that covers the past, present and future. ESSENTIAL VIEWING for all who call themselves friends of Africa.

Source: Rising Tide Foundation

25 May 2024

This Sunday, Africa Read the rest

African Leaders Speak Out for Physical Economic Growth at World Bank Forum

re posted from                          AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Under the cover of their duplicitous concern for the environment, the West is willing to have millions of Africans die with their deceitful cries to “save the planet.

African Leaders Speak Out for Physical Economic Growth at World Bank Forum

22 May 2024… Read the rest

To Industrialize Africa : The Small, Pebble-Bed Modular Reactor Is Indispensable

re posted from                           EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This article appears in the May 17, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

To Industrialize Africa

The Small, Pebble-Bed Modular Reactor Is Indispensable

[Print version of this article]

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Stratek Global
Industrialize Africa and the world!
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