All of Africa`s wars and terrorist insurgencies are creations of the Western oligarchy who have determined to keep a state of destabilization on the continent. The career of Major General Barlow is testimony to that. Countless operations conducted by his company were obstructed to ensure the continuation of wars and … Read the rest
Category Archives: Nigeria
INTERVIEW: The new guy has done a complete 180
Journalist, David Hundeyin discusses John Mahama as Ghana`s new president and answers – Have the French really pulled out of Africa or not? Of course they have not
Source: George Galloway
INTERVIEW: The new guy has done a complete 180
17 January 2025
The previous president of Ghana went out … Read the rest
Eeben Barlow : the African Nemesis of the Warlords of Westminster and Washington
This is a two part interview by Al Jazeera with Major General Eeben Barlow, founder of the world`s most successful private military company, Executive Outcomes, and the African nemesis of those who continue to wage war and destabilize the continent of Africa
Source: Al Jazeera English
Eeben Barlow: Inside the
… Read the restThe Night I Drove Home With A Dead Child In The Back Seat And What Happened Next
superb brilliant wonderful article…
The Night I Drove Home With A Dead Child In The Back Seat And What Happened Next
How a series of catastrophes I witnessed have shaped my choices as a journalist, up to and including making an enemy out of
… Read the restAustralia watches the world go BRICS / Aussies to die for Taiwan myth?
Rules Based Order of USA/UK versus the BRICS
African states now in or soon to be accepted into the BRICS: SOUTH AFRICA, Ethiopia, Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Uganda
The six countries’ populations total 642.1 million, or 42% of Africa’s total population of 1.53 billion people.
Source: Australian Citizens Party
… Read the restEeben Barlow: Inside the world of private military contractors
What happens when a highly effective military contractor is contracted by an African government TO END A WAR ? Executive Outcomes ENDED THE WARS in Angola and Sierra Leone within a short space of time. The Western Hegemonic Order did NOT WANT THESE WARS ENDED……
a comment below the video … Read the rest
Nigerian Journalist Exposes UK NGO’s Hit-Job Attempt on Africa’s Biggest Refinery
The role of green NGO`s is NOT to protect nature but to keep African economies unindustrialized. This is yet more proof
Source: African Stream
Nigerian Journalist Exposes UK NGO’s Hit-Job Attempt on Africa’s Biggest Refinery
19 August 2024
When Nigerian journalist David Hundeyin received a commission from a UK NGO … Read the rest
ECOWAS has folded!! Sanctions lifted against Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso
BRAVO! BURKINA FASO, MALI, NIGER for holding out against imperialist backed African states
Source: Make Afrika Great
ECOWAS has folded!! Sanctions lifted against Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso
25 Feb 2024
ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) has lifted sanctions on Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali. The three countries … Read the rest
AfDB Targets $1 Billion To Boost Agro-Industrial Zones in Nigeria.
AfDB Targets $1 Billion To Boost Agro-Industrial Zones in Nigeria.
Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), announced the ambitious collaboration between the AfDB
Nigerian Railway : Rowland Ataguba Response to China Funding News
As reported in the Nigerian press recently, China are pledging to funding of Abuja-Kano and Port Harcourt-Maiduguri railway projects
This would be wonderful news but hard to believe would come to pass. China has been making such noises for quite some … Read the rest