from Nazi eugenics to the environmentalists who say human beings are the problem
Hanging w/ Harley – Rogue News [August 23, 2019]
from Nazi eugenics to the environmentalists who say human beings are the problem
Hanging w/ Harley – Rogue News [August 23, 2019]
re posted from EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW : Daily Alert Service
Aug. 22, 2019 (EIRNS)—In an interview published in the latest issue of the German monthly Capital, Lega Party Deputy Claudio Borghi, chairman of the Chamber of … Read the rest
François Gervais – L’urgence climatique est un leurre
« Cette fois, il n’y a plus de doute possible, les scientifiques sont unanimes : l’être humain dérègle le climat. »
Combien de fois ces dix dernières années avons-nous entendu dire qu’un
re posted from AFRICA AND THE WORLD
On August 5-6, I had the opportunity to participate in the “Third International Conference on the Lake Chad Basin Region: SDG Implementation-UN … Read the rest
Source: Solidarite et Progres
Qui veut un fascisme vert ? – L’éclairage de Jacques Cheminade #8
Chaque semaine : L’éclairage de Jacques Cheminade.
EJC#8 : Les revendications légitimes de protection de l’environnement seront-elles détournées pour amener à des régimes autoritaires ? Jacques Cheminade répond.
This article appears in the August 16, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this article]
Source: CEC Australia
1. Forget ‘recession’ – we face global economic meltdown
2. British maniacs behind Hastie are the Nazi threat, not China
Presented by Robert Barwick
re posted from AFRICA AND THE WORLD
August 15, 2019
The article in the link below is a detailed and useful expose of how the CFA franc, controlled by France, contributes to the suppression of economic development in Africa.
continue reading … Read the rest
re posted from LAROUCHEPAC
Source: CGTN
Chinese mission visits site of future Africa in Addis Ababa
China is set to construct a Center for Disease Prevention and Control in Addis Ababa. The project is part of a commitment China made last year to the continent during the Forum on