Sending refugees to Kagame`s Rwanda is a cruel absurdity. Rwanda, under Kagame is like Chile under Pinochet : on the outside everything is clean but on the inside it is a rotten lie.
Sending refugees to Kagame`s Rwanda is a cruel absurdity. Rwanda, under Kagame is like Chile under Pinochet : on the outside everything is clean but on the inside it is a rotten lie.
Source: AFRO INFOS 243
Nord-Kivu : retour au calme après des affrontements entre les FARDC et les terroristes du M23
Le calme revient progressivement ce dimanche 29 mai dans les territoires de Rutshuru et … Read the rest
Source: Congo Live TV
30 Mai 2022… Read the rest
re posted from PRESSTV
Russia says the United States is provoking a food
RDC : des combats ont éclaté à une vingtaine de km au nord de Goma, chef-lieu de la province troublée du Nord-Kivu. Des sources affirment que des rebelles du M23 ont attaqué une position militaire.
Source: TV5MONDE Info
excellent analysis from Nixon Katembo producer of Channel Africa
Source: SABC
The United Nations force in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has condemned attacks against it by M23 rebels and urged them to … Read the rest
re posted from MODERN GHANA
The Democratic Republic of Congo has accused Rwanda of backing the M23 rebel group, as clashes between the army
re posted from PRESSTV
“West African countries are shifting alliances from France and the West in general to Russia in their war on terror. And they are getting results”
The people of Burkina Faso have held rallies calling for the
re posted from APARECO-RDC
Des sources concordantes au sein du système des Nations Unies nous informent de la présence de plusieurs containers remplis d’armes appartenant à la Monusco, arrivés et actuellement bloqués … Read the rest
re posted from ALARABIYA News
24 March 2022
Germany is looking at keeping coal plants open longer in order to ensure energy security, the government said Thursday, as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sparked fears over power deliveries.
Berlin said it will … Read the rest