Category Archives: History Modern

How the Anglo American Network Took Power in Rwanda and DRC Using Tutsi Supremacists and Minority Rights

re posted from                            COVERT ACTION MAGAZINE

How the Anglo American Network Took Power in Rwanda and DRC Using Tutsi Supremacists and Minority Rights

0905 President Bush meets with President Jospeh Kabila, Democratic Republic of Congo (far right) President Thabo Mbeki, South Africa; and President Paul Kagame, Rwanda (far left). Waldorf-Astoria
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I confirm it is Paul Kagame who Sparked the Rwandan Genocide, Theogene Rudasingwa

I confirm it is Paul Kagame who Sparked the Rwandan Genocide, Rudasingwa

Truth cannot wait for tomorrow, because the Rwandan nation is very sick and divided, and cannot rebuild and heal on lies. All Rwandans urgently need truth today. Our individual and collective search for truth will set us free. Read the rest

Rwanda, 1994-2024 : Trente Ans, Déjà. Intervention de P. Rusesabagina au Congrès rwandais du Canada

Source: Radio Inkingi

Rwanda, 1994-2024 : Trente Ans, Déjà. Intervention de P. Rusesabagina au Congrès rwandais du Canada

22 Juin 2024

Conférence-Débat oranisé par le Congrès Rwandais du Canada. “Rwanda, 1994-2024 : Trente Ans, Déjà”. Trois décennies sont passées, sans s’effacer. C’est comme si c’était hier alors qu’en même temps Read the rest

Quand les médias qui ont soutenu Paul Kagame pendant 30 ans se retournent contre lui.

Plus de deux décennies de combat pour restituer la vérité des faits contre vents et marrées sur les massacres de 1994 au Rwanda et sur le drame de la RDC. Assassinats, crimes contre l’humanité, censure, incarcérations arbitraires et impunité des criminels de Kigali. Il semble que la coupe est désormais Read the rest

Lawrence Freeman: Why Rules-Based International Order Has Failed and Will Always Fail:The Case of Africa

Lawrence Freeman calls for the fundamental human right of development for the African continent in this extraordinarily detailed, comprehensive and superbly informative presentation that covers the past, present and future. ESSENTIAL VIEWING for all who call themselves friends of Africa.

Source: Rising Tide Foundation

25 May 2024

This Sunday, Africa Read the rest

Interview :The Cult of the Toothpick King: Rwanda, Genocide, Western Terrorism & White Supremacy

This is another powerful and extremely informative exclusive interview with world renown investigative journalist, author, and activist, Keith Harmon Snow to discuss vastly underreported historical facts and perspectives regarding the Rwandan Genocide, Western Terrorism, Genocide (including Gaza), and White Supremacy. Please tune in and share the information!

Keith Harmon Snow … Read the rest