Category Archives: History Modern

Keith Harmon Snow Was a Courageous Investigative Journalist Who Exposed Lies Regarding the Rwandan Genocide

re posted with gratitute from                  COVERT ACTION MAGAZINE

Keith Harmon Snow Was a Courageous Investigative Journalist Who Exposed Lies Regarding the Rwandan Genocide


Snow followed in the footsteps of CovertAction Information Bulletin founder Philip Agee in his attempt to expose the close

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Pourquoi le Rwanda n’est pas sanctionné pour ses crimes au Congo par l’Union Européenne ou les USA

please view PD Lawton article : `The Trial of Charles Onana`

Source: Charles ONANA

Pourquoi le Rwanda n’est pas sanctionné pour ses crimes au Congo par l’Union Européenne ou les USA

3 Fev 2025

Interview du Politologue Charles Onana par Vincent Lapierre sur le terrorisme dans la région des Grands Read the rest

RDC – Rwanda : les enjeux cachés de la guerre | Patrick Mbeko

Source: Alohanews

RDC – Rwanda : les enjeux cachés de la guerre | Patrick Mbeko

31 Jan 2025

Patrick Mbeko, spécialiste de la région des Grands Lacs, décrypte les enjeux cachés de ce conflit et l’incapacité de l’État congolais à y mettre fin. Entretien avec Patrick Mbeko, spécialiste de la Read the rest

The Banyarwandan Doctrine: A Supremacist Ideology Undermining Stability in the Great Lakes Region of Africa

SUPERB SUMMARY OF RECENT HISTORICALLY CRITICAL DOCUMENT published on this website on 31 Dec 2024 which is reaching a record breaking number of visitors world-wide

re posted from                          THE RWANDAN

The Banyarwandan Doctrine: A Supremacist Ideology Undermining Stability in the Great Lakes Region of Africa

12 January 2024

Dr. Jean-Marie

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Mozambique: Common Interests in Conserving Lawlessness and `Terrorists` Herd Goats

Mozambique: Common Interests in Conserving Lawlessness

and `Terrorists` Herd Goats


by PD Lawton                 9 January 2025

this article is Part 7 of a series documenting the rise of Paul Kagame and the destabilization of the Great Lakes. Part 1 is titled `Sun City` which can be found Read the rest

Eeben Barlow : the African Nemesis of the Warlords of Westminster and Washington

This is a two part interview by Al Jazeera with Major General Eeben Barlow, founder of the world`s most successful private military company, Executive Outcomes, and the African nemesis of those who continue to wage war and destabilize the continent of Africa

Source: Al Jazeera English

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Interviewing Eeben Barlow

Interviewing Eeben Barlow

Image: Major General Eeben Barlow , founder of the world`s most successful private military company, Executive Outcomes, and the African nemesis of the Warlords of Westminster and Washington

By Brendan Seery     first published in The Star, 5 November 2007

You people,” he says, “ignored Read the rest


re posted from                         CONSCIOUS BEING ALLIANCE



Commemorating More Than 18 years of Terrorism in Central Africa

April 6, 1994 – April 6, 2012

keith harmon snow

Published: 6 April 2012
Revisions: 9 April 2012

Eighteen years after the historic ‘100 days Read the rest