Category Archives: New World Order

Trudeau’s great Nazi whitewash / Libya: Obama and Hillary’s war crimes

Source: Australian Citizens Party

29 September 2023

1. Trudeau’s great Nazi whitewash unravels—is Albanese’s next?

2. Don’t blame Mother Nature for Obama and Hillary’s war crimes

Presented by Robert Barwick and Richard Bardon Read the rest

Professor Dolores Cahill discusses Autoimmunity – Relevant to vaccines?

strongly recommended : full interview can be accessed in the link below the video which is Dr Philip McMillan`s substack

Source: Vejon Health

Prof Cahill is one of the most significant autoimmune experts in the world. Listen to Read the rest

Germany Celebrates Fealty to Depopulation Lobby with Shut Down of Nuclear Energy Sector

re posted from                          THE LAST AMERICAN VAGABOND

Germany Celebrates Fealty to Depopulation Lobby with Shut Down of Nuclear Energy Sector


by Matthew Ehret               28 April 2023

This week, Germany signaled its willingness to serve as some techno feudal sacrifice appeasing Gaia’s demands for blood by shutting down the last

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