Category Archives: British Financial Empire

Uprising in Kenya : IMF Don`t Want Their Money Back. They Want Your Country

The president of Kenya has long been regarded as a Western client, if not puppet, and that is not without reason. He has regularly ingratiated himself with the West. He has been pursuing neo-liberal economic policy within Kenya which have made the lives of people increasingly miserable so this Read the rest

Guerre M23RDF: violation de la trêve humanitaire, le M23-RDF attaque les FARDC à Masisi ce 11/7/2024

M23 and Rwandan RDF TERRORISTS violate cease fire in Masisi. Was that the general aim of the United States negotiated cease fire?

Source: AFRO INFOS 243

Guerre M23RDF: violation de la trêve humanitaire, le M23-RDF attaque les FARDC à Masisi ce 11/7/2024

11 July 2024

Guerre M23RDF: violation de la Read the rest

Mixed reactions in Rwanda as new UK PM cancels asylum plan

don`t you find the accommodation interesting? What was planned here? Mixed reactions in Rwanda? Celebrations in DRC, for sure. £320 million spent on luxury hotel in Kigali by human traffickers

Source: CGTN

The UK-Rwanda asylum deal faces imminent collapse after newly-elected UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced that the Labour Read the rest