Category Archives: Health

South Africa and the Anglo-American Corporation: Africa’s Liberation from the Rhodes’ Legacy is Now

PD Lawton interview with Matt Ehret of the Canadian Patriot Press and co-founder of the inspiring and beautiful Rising Tide Foundation. Discussed: HIV-AIDS, Rhodes City of London legacy, corporations rule

Source: Canadian Patriot Press

Jun 25,
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Why is the Scientific Community Silent on Vaccine Injuries?

to listen to uncensored interviews visit link below video

Source: Vejon Health

28 July 2023

This clip is from an interview with Dr Shankara Chetty, “Unleashed on Covid”, which was censored on YouTube.

Watch full interview here:…Read the rest

DAY 1 – Post Vax/Long Covid Congress – The Silent Disaster, SAT 26th AUG 2023

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED VIEWING. click on link below for unedited conference

Source: Vejon Health

26 August 2023


Bringing some of the best researchers together from across the world to expand Read the rest

Professor Dolores Cahill discusses Autoimmunity – Relevant to vaccines?

strongly recommended : full interview can be accessed in the link below the video which is Dr Philip McMillan`s substack

Source: Vejon Health

Prof Cahill is one of the most significant autoimmune experts in the world. Listen to Read the rest