Tag Archives: AIDS

AIDS related research

South Africa and the Anglo-American Corporation: Africa’s Liberation from the Rhodes’ Legacy is Now

PD Lawton interview with Matt Ehret of the Canadian Patriot Press and co-founder of the inspiring and beautiful Rising Tide Foundation. Discussed: HIV-AIDS, Rhodes City of London legacy, corporations rule

Source: Canadian Patriot Press

Jun 25,
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Anthony Brink on Thabo Mbeki being right about HIV

re posted from                                     JERM WARFARE

Anthony Brink is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa and argues that former South African president Thabo Mbeki was right about HIV not causing

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South Africa and the Anglo-American Corporation: Africa’s Liberation from the Rhodes’ Legacy is Now

Presentation by PD Lawton – topics discussed: political leverage by South Africa`s largest and oldest corporation, HIV AIDS – Dr Nancy Turner Banks, Black Economic Empowerment, Robert Sobukwe, ESKOM and the attack on South African industrial capacity

Source: Canadian Patriot Press

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IMF Conditionalities Contribute to Shortage of Health Workers: Africa Suffers

the health of the banks vs the health of people

“The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the failure of the world globalized financial system, which has been become decoupled from the real economy. Genuine economic growth uses credit to promote human life. President Franklin Roosevelt’s Bretton Woods system, in its perverted … Read the rest

Court Rules on TB/Silicosis Contracted in SA Mines

and were the millions of miners who have become ill working in South Africa`s mines, diagnosed with silicosis-induced TB or with AIDS? Is AIDS an umbrella label?

re posted from                                 GroundUp



Landmark silicosis settlement made order of court

26 July 2019   By Tania Broughton

“This agreement can never
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GcMAF and the Persecution of David Noakes, Lyn Thyer & Immuno Biotech

re posted from                                                  UK COLUMN


GcMAF and the Persecution of David Noakes, Lyn Thyer & Immuno Biotech


| Tuesday, 28th May 2019

Recently business man David Noakes was released from prison having served six months following his conviction on four charges relating to the manufacture, sale
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Corrupt Foundations and Corrupt Charities

This is an in-depth interview from Irish independent journalist, `Grand Torino`, with guests Charles Ortel and Dr Jerome Corsi about the Clinton Foundation and its criminal activities in Africa and Haiti.

Source: Grand Torino

Grand Torino with Dr Jerome Corsi and Mr Charles Ortel. The Clinton Fraud Foundation

https://youtu.be/ggiEmrDxyY8… Read the rest