Tag Archives: corporations rule

Mixed reactions in Rwanda as new UK PM cancels asylum plan

don`t you find the accommodation interesting? What was planned here? Mixed reactions in Rwanda? Celebrations in DRC, for sure. £320 million spent on luxury hotel in Kigali by human traffickers

Source: CGTN

The UK-Rwanda asylum deal faces imminent collapse after newly-elected UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced that the Labour Read the rest

For Your Vital Understanding of COVID-19 : The Day Dr. Chetty Almost Died!

but what that taught me, Philip, was that even the slightest influence on the genetic species diversity of a population IS an extinction-wide event.”

Source: Vejon Health

27 June

In this video, Dr Shankara Chetty shares his recent health scare, after being admitted Read the rest

Quand les médias qui ont soutenu Paul Kagame pendant 30 ans se retournent contre lui.

Plus de deux décennies de combat pour restituer la vérité des faits contre vents et marrées sur les massacres de 1994 au Rwanda et sur le drame de la RDC. Assassinats, crimes contre l’humanité, censure, incarcérations arbitraires et impunité des criminels de Kigali. Il semble que la coupe est désormais Read the rest

Gayton McKenzie: How a ANC/DA forced marriage will sow SA’s future seeds of disaster

Gayton MacKenzie speaks very honestly about what Big Business is planning for South Africa

Source: BizNews TV

Gayton McKenzie: How a ANC/DA forced marriage will sow SA’s future seeds of disaster

5 June 2024

Patriotic Alliance president Gayton McKenzie believes the business community and global markets are disrespecting the will Read the rest