Category Archives: Kenya

East African Community continues on a trajectory of expansion as Summit admits Somalia into the bloc

re posted from                                    EAST AFRICA COMMUNITY

East African Community continues on a trajectory of expansion as Summit admits Somalia into the bloc

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 25th November, 2023: The East African Community has once more expanded its borders and market … Read the rest

Ethiopia`s Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) Supplies Ethiopia- Kenya- Tanzania Integrated Energy Pool

Ethiopia began exporting electricity to Kenya in November 2022. The electricity comes from GERD

re posted from                            CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

The connectivity project consists of a 510-kilometer power line where a total of 414 kilometers are located in Tanzania and the remaining 96 kilometers are located in the neighboring country of … Read the rest

Energy and Ambition in Kenya, with Jusper Machogu

re posted from                                UK COLUMN

Energy and Ambition in Kenya, with Jusper Machogu

12 October 2023

Jusper Machogu (Substack | Twitter) is a farmer and graduate agricultural engineer living and working in Kisii, south-western Kenya. He was formerly a Greenpeace member and he wanted to improve the … Read the rest

$13.8 Billion Kenya-Ethiopia Railway Construction Plans Resume

re posted from                      CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

$13.8 Billion Kenya-Ethiopia Railway Construction Plans Resume

Kenya-Ethiopia Railway construction will foresee resumption as the Government of Kenya has resumed its construction plans that are set to begin in the year 2025 to construct the high-speed electric train railway

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Negotiations between EAC and Federal Republic of Somalia for admission into EAC begin in Nairobi, Kenya

re posted from                                   EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY

EAC Secretary General Hon. (Dr.) Peter Mathuki (left) hands over the EAC flag to the Somalia’s Minister of Planning, Hon. Mohamud Abdirahman Sheikh Farah (centre), after the official opening of the negotiations between EAC and Somalia in Nairobi. On the right is Dr. Adbusalam Omer, Special Envoy of Somalia, is the Lead Negotiator for the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Negotiations between EAC and Federal Republic of Somalia for admission into EAC begin in Nairobi, Kenya

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 22nd August, 2023: Negotiations between the East African Community (EAC) and the Federal Republic … Read the rest

Kenya Revives African Push To Ditch Dollar For Pan African Payments and Settlement System

“Furthermore, by promoting the use of local currencies and bypassing the need for foreign exchange conversions, PAPSS can enhance economic sovereignty and strengthen Africa’s position in global trade. Therefore, President Ruto was insistent that instead of turning to a dollar alternative like the Chinese Yuan, African countries would be better Read the rest

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Completes Successful Four-Nation African Tour

re posted from                            EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW NEWS SERVICE

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Completes Successful Four-Nation African Tour

by Janet G. West

June 5 (EIRNS)–Sputnik and other agencies reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov just completed his tour of Africa, and visited four nations–Kenya, Burundi, Mozambique and South Africa.

This … Read the rest

President Ruto`s Candid and Humorous Speech to the AU: No More Kowtowing to the Developed World!

President Ruto`s Candid and Humorous Speech to the AU: No More Kowtowing to the Developed World! Take up your rightful place. The way forward is in African unity!

This speech received a standing ovation in the AU Parliament. It obviously resonated with all the members. Africa will no longer be … Read the rest