Category Archives: British Financial Empire

I confirm it is Paul Kagame who Sparked the Rwandan Genocide, Theogene Rudasingwa

I confirm it is Paul Kagame who Sparked the Rwandan Genocide, Rudasingwa

Truth cannot wait for tomorrow, because the Rwandan nation is very sick and divided, and cannot rebuild and heal on lies. All Rwandans urgently need truth today. Our individual and collective search for truth will set us free. Read the rest

Uprising in Kenya : IMF Don`t Want Their Money Back. They Want Your Country

The president of Kenya has long been regarded as a Western client, if not puppet, and that is not without reason. He has regularly ingratiated himself with the West. He has been pursuing neo-liberal economic policy within Kenya which have made the lives of people increasingly miserable so this Read the rest

Guerre M23RDF: violation de la trêve humanitaire, le M23-RDF attaque les FARDC à Masisi ce 11/7/2024

M23 and Rwandan RDF TERRORISTS violate cease fire in Masisi. Was that the general aim of the United States negotiated cease fire?

Source: AFRO INFOS 243

Guerre M23RDF: violation de la trêve humanitaire, le M23-RDF attaque les FARDC à Masisi ce 11/7/2024

11 July 2024

Guerre M23RDF: violation de la Read the rest