Category Archives: Belt and Road

China’s BRI: An Alternative for International Cooperation & Peace?

Source: Geopolitical Trends w/Dr David Oualaalou

20 October 2023

As tensions between Israel and Palestine intensify, China, during a high-profile forum celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), stresses cooperation & development in the pursuit of what Read the rest

The New Cold War Plays Out in South Africa Over Electric Infrastructure

re posted from                                      SPACE COMMUNE

The New Cold War Plays Out in South Africa Over Electric Infrastructure

How the Belt and Road Initiative Summit in China and Africa’s Energy Week Showcase a New Path Forward

Alex Dimitrios


Fox Green
23 Oct 2023
The modern Cold War is not about
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Nigerian Railway : Rowland Ataguba Response to China Funding News

As reported in the Nigerian press recently, China are pledging to funding of Abuja-Kano and Port Harcourt-Maiduguri railway projects

re posted from                  ROWLAND ATAGUBA on LINKEDIN

This would be wonderful news but hard to believe would come to pass. China has been making such noises for quite some Read the rest