Monthly Archives: January 2024

Egypt-Russia: “Al-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant Acts the Death of the Western Imperialist System”

automatic translation : re posted from            

“The area of France is 644,000 square kilometres, while that of Africa is 30.4 million square kilometres, or about 50 times France. However, France has 56 nuclear power plants that produce about 80% of the electricity consumed in the country. If we make a Read the rest

Égypte-Russie: « La centrale nucléaire d’Al-Dabaa acte la mort du système impérialiste occidental »

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Égypte-Russie: « La centrale nucléaire d’Al-Dabaa acte la mort du système impérialiste occidental »

Ecoutez mon dernier interview sur Sputnik Afrique avec Kamel Louadj en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous

Égypte-Russie: « La centrale nucléaire d’Al-Dabaa acte la mort du système impérialiste occidental »

Dans cette édition … Read the rest

“A Stunning Victory for the South African Delegation” -Norman Finkelstein

Source: Katie Halper

27 Jan 2024

Political scientist Norman Finkelstein and Human Rights attorney Craig Mokhiber react to the International Court of Justice’s ruling and explain what it really means.

Norman Finkelstein is a political scientist, prolific author, and Read the rest

Transforming Railways In Tanzania: An Exclusive Interview With TRC’s Director General, Masanja Kadogosa

Progress Report of Tanzanian section of Central Corridor of African Integrated High Speed Railway Network (AIHSRN : DAR ES SALAAM – BURUNDI – RWANDA -EASTERN DRC

Railways Africa Magazine in conversation with Masanja K. Kadogosa, the Director General of Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC)

Image: courtesy of

Central Corridor Tanzania

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Advancing Africa’s Rail Network: The Africa Integrated High Speed Railway Network Workshop

Recent technical workshop held in Addis,12-14th December 2023, to discuss success of flagship projects, challenges and needs such as railway technical skills training in universities.Eric Ntagengerwa from the African Union talked to Philippa Dean

Jan 9,
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Tanzania: Progress Video Standard Gauge Railway Line From Morogoro to Makutupora

Yapi Merkezi is the Turkish construction company that is constructing a major part of the HIGH SPEED Standard Gauge Railway connecting Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – Burundi, Rwanda and eastern DRC. This is the CENTRAL CORRIDOR of the AFRICAN INTEGRATED HIGHSPEED RAILWAY NETWORK (AIHSRN) It will eventually traverse DRC and … Read the rest

Manifestations des agriculteurs en Allemagne : les raisons ? Les objectifs ? En France ?

Source: Solidarite et Progres

21 Jan 2024

L’oligarchie financière et ses relais politiques ne peuvent rien faire, la colère des peuples peut être freinée ou détournée, mais elle est inarrêtable. Manifestations, blocages, ronds-points, péages gratuits. Read the rest

Connecting the Dots with Matt Ehret and Guest: Vanessa Beeley

Source: Canadian Patriot Press

Jan 23, 2024

On today’s show, Vanessa Beeley discusses South Africa’s genocide case against Israel.

Watch Connecting the Dots with Matt Ehret live every Saturday from 11am-2pm ET on

GUEST OVERVIEW: Vanessa Beeley is an Read the rest