Tanzania Is building One of The Largest Industrial Parks In Africa!

productive employment and  manufacturing, put this together with the high- speed electric standard guage railway from Dar es Salaam – Burundi, DRC, Rwanda, Uganda and beyond. Tanzania`s transformation is certain!

Source: AfrikaNow Afrika Tomorrow


10 Feb … Read the rest



by PD Lawton , 5 November 2022

Africa is one continent, one people, and one nation. The notion that in order to have a nation it is necessary for there to be a common language, a common territory and common culture has Read the rest

Tanzania: September 2022 Progress Video Standard Gauge Railway Line From Morogoro to Makutupora

progress report from the Turkish construction company contracted to build the ELECTRIC high speed railway from Dar es Salaam to the Great Lakes. In this video you can see construction of high voltage sub-stations, the near completion of Dodoma passenger train station and the incredible scenery, including baobabs, of central … Read the rest

Railway for Peace: Burundian President Drums Support for Burundi-DRC-Tanzania Railway

re posted from                                RAIL-BUS

Burundi and the DRC had signed on Saturday August 20, 2022 in Kinshasa in the DRC a bilateral agreement for implementation financing and a request for financing to be sent to the AfDB for the feasibility studies for the construction of the standard gauge railway, Gitega-Bujumbura-Uvira-Kindu … Read the rest

Tanzania starts testing the Electricity System on the SGR Railway. Trains to begin work in May

Source: African Insider

Tanzania starts testing the Electricity System on the SGR Railway. Trains to begin work in May


13 March 2021

The Tanzania Railways Corporation plans to start testing the standard gauge railway electricity systems over three months, run by four sub-stations along the completed 300 kilometres stretch Read the rest

Tanzania `s Spectacular Modern Electrified SGR to Rwanda, Burundi and DRC


Why Tanzania is building THE LONGEST SGR RAILWAY IN AFRICA. Tanzania SGR


9 Feb 2021

The Tanzania Standard Gauge Railway is a railway system, under construction, linking the country to the neighboring countries of Rwanda and Uganda, and through these two, to Burundi and the Read the rest