Monthly Archives: September 2022

Exposing Efforts to Break up Ethiopia [Ethiopia News Agency interview with Matt Ehret]

In this interview with Ethiopia News Agency, Matt Ehret exposes the real reasons for the State Department/CIA/MI6 operations to destabilize Ethiopia using terrorist groups like the TPLF.

Source: Canadian Patriot Press

Exposing Efforts to Break up Ethiopia [Ethiopia News Agency interview with Matt Ehret]

20 September 2022

 … Read the rest

The TPLF is a Proxy War Against Ethiopia: John Philpot on OBN

“The Western powers trump up stories about genocide and human rights. Those are the code words for intervening in the internal affairs. The TPLF have absolutely no sovereign legitimacy in your country now.”

“It is a proxy war organized by the United States against Ethiopia, trying to put into power … Read the rest

TPLF Must Be Disarmed In Ethiopia Now! “A House Divided Cannot Stand” Abraham Lincoln

“Ethiopia is a member state of the United Nations…….So I want to know what discussions are going on between  the Secretary General  Antonio Guterres of the UN with a group [TPLF]that is a belligerent against a member state of the United Nations”

an EXPLOSIVE and brilliant interview by Lawrence Freeman … Read the rest

Cartes géopolitiques : Mali/France ; Russie/Ukraine

re posted from                           AFRIQUE DU FUTUR

Cartes géopolitiques : Mali/France ; Russie/Ukraine

Emission Cartes géopolitique sur For You MEDIA du 23 Août 2022 :

Thème 1 : Les dessous de la crise diplomatique entre Paris et Bamako

Thème 2 : Conflit Russo-ukrainien : Qui perd réellement la guerre ? Quid … Read the rest

Mali accuses France of arming terrorists, seeks emergency UN meeting

re posted from                                     PRESSTV

Mali accuses France of arming terrorists, seeks emergency UN meeting

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

A protester holds a placard reading “France, gardener of terrorism” during a demonstration to mark France’s announcement of a withdrawal

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