One of the most refreshing, positive interviews regarding PASSENGER RAIL. Hats off to Board member of PRASA, Professor Jan Havenga, for articulating this VITAL ECONOMIC CONCEPT. If you want a healthy economy, provide your workforce, people, nation with an AFFORDABLE , ACCESSABLE, COUNTRYWIDE TRAIN SERVICE

THE POINT IS NOT that passenger rail is NOT PROFITABLE. THE POINT is what cheap passenger fares does for the ECONOMY AS A WHOLE

India`s passenger railfares are affordable, cheaper than South African fares. Calcutta – Delhi 1700km costs just R60

“The idea of a metro service like that [of India} is to mobilize our nation, mobilize people, mobilize our workforce…….That is what we need to aim for , it is one of the building blocks of the Indian economy, because they made it possible for their people to move.

Unbelievably,  the South African government are considering axing the rail supply chain “UNIMAGINABLY STUPID”

Source: Railways Africa Magazine

29 April 2024

Professor Jan Havenga, the newly appointed board member of PRASA, offered an insightful dialogue on current rail affairs in South Africa, during the celebration of the PRASA’s 200th train launch in Cape Town on 23 April 2024. His expertise in freight logistics will bring fresh perspectives to passenger rail transport.

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