Tag Archives: Terrorism

Rwanda: The crimes of the RPF Inkotanyi regime & the covered up Genocide. Judi Rever – Denise Zaneza

Source: Muraka Zaneza

Paul Kagame’s RPF Inkotanyi regime has been committing crimes against humanity and even genocide since 1990. These crimes are rarely talked about or mainstreamed in the international media.

Rwanda: The crimes of the RPF Inkotanyi regime & the covered up Genocide. Judi Rever – Denise Zaneza

5 … Read the rest

Agenda caché de Kagame: L’utilisation secrète des soldats rwandais pour déstabiliser la région

Source: Africa Flashes

La diplomatie militaire du Rwanda, sous la direction de Paul Kagame, s’est imposée comme un acteur majeur en Afrique, participant à de nombreuses missions de maintien de la paix et de contre-insurrection. Cette position permet au Rwanda de se présenter comme un fournisseur de sécurité pour les Read the rest

“La Francia in nero” di Silvestro Montanaro (2012)

Italian filmmaker Sylvesto Montanaro made this brilliant documentary ( banned/ firewalled in France) about the crushing of Laurent Gbagbo`s democratic election to president in 2010, the horrors and duplicity of the West in Africa

Source: CarlinhoUtopia

“La Francia in nero” di Silvestro Montanaro (2012)

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Larry C. Johnson: Israel Facing Devastating Defeat against Iran/Hezbollah – Ukraine on the Brink

“The terrorist state in the Middle East is Israel”

Source: Dialogue Works

7 October 2024

Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder Read the rest