Category Archives: World Affairs

Russia’s Strategy as War Continues | Israel in the Process of Self-Destruction | Dmitry Orlov

Source: Dialogue Works

13 April 2024

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Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic family, and emigrated Read the rest

Schiller Institute Online Conference Today

re posted from                   THE SCHILLER INSTITUTE

The Oasis Plan: The LaRouche Solution for Peace Through Development Between Israel and Palestine and for All of Southwest Asia

Online Conference
April 13, 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (EDT)

continue HERE to register: the rest

Le Plan Oasis, la paix par le développement pour toute l’Asie du Sud-Ouest

re posted from                             L`INSTITUT SCHILLER


Le Plan Oasis, la paix par le développement pour toute l’Asie du Sud-Ouest

Il y a trop longtemps que l’eau est devenue au Moyen-Orient une arme que l’on dirige contre son ou ses voisins, au gré des calculs politiques régionaux ou des alliances avec

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Israel, America and Britain: Building a Pretext to Wage War on Iran, Setting the Scene for a Broader War?

re posted from                                 GLOBAL RESEARCH

Israel, America and Britain: Building a Pretext to Wage War on Iran, Setting the Scene for a Broader War?

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Of Minds and Men- On Universal History and the Creation of Aristocratic Men (Dr. Quan Le)

please take this chance to lift yourself and educate the mind. This lecture by Dr Quan Le with the Rising Tide Foundation takes the thought process of the Left-Right paradigm, of the `metacrisis`to an entirely different level. Dr Quan Le integrates ( meaning: makes whole) the human mind, our human … Read the rest