Category Archives: Republic of Congo/Congo Brazzaville

The Infrastructure Deficit in DR Congo : Upungufu wamiundombinu ya DR Congo

Upungufu wamiundombinu ya DR Congo : The Infrastructure Deficit in DR Congo

an interview with Dr Muhindo Biryage, 18 April 2021

Infrastructure is the primary need:

“The really basic need for the people in Congo, and the east of Congo, particularly, is infrastructure. That basic need , besides insecurity, because … Read the rest

RTF Dialogues with Lawrence Freeman: Transaqua, the New Silk Road and a New Vision for Africa

an unmissable interview rich in insights

Source: Rising Tide Foundation

RTF Dialogues with Lawrence Freeman: Transaqua, the New Silk Road and a New Vision for Africa

10 April 2021

In this episode of RTF Dialogues, Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung talk with international Africa expert Lawrence Freeman on the rise
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Africa`s Historic Day : January 1, 2021

Africa`s Historic Day : January 1, 2021

by PD Lawton   6 January 2021

We have to take active steps to dismantle the colonial economic model that we inherited and that we sustained over the last 50 years . We have to stop being exporters of primary products to countries Read the rest

Italy’s Prodi Puts Transaqua Back on the International Agenda

re posted from                          EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This article appears in the December 4, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

II. Africa: Development Before Debt


Italy’s Prodi Puts Transaqua
Back on the International Agenda

[Print version of this article]

CC/Francesco Pierantoni
Romano Prodi, former
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Transaqua has the capacity to transform the lives of the people of the interior of Africa more than any other infrastructure project .

Source: Centro Studi Africani


12 November 2020… Read the rest

Finance verte, pessimisme politique et opposition au développement de l’intérieur africain avec le projet Transaqua

re posted from                            L`AFRIQUE AVEC LES YEUX DU FUTUR

Finance verte, pessimisme politique et opposition au développement de l’intérieur africain avec le projet Transaqua

par PD Lawton, 18 Octobre 2020

Nous vivons une époque étrange où des scientifiques soi-disant « éminents » nous disent que le dioxyde de carbone est … Read the rest

Green Power, Political Pessimism and Opposition to the Development of the African Interior with Transaqua

Green Power, Political Pessimism and Opposition to the Development of the African Interior with Transaqua

by PD Lawton ,         18 October 2020

We live in strange times where supposedly eminent scientists tell us that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and its increase is linked to higher temperatures and that therefore Read the rest

End Famine, Back Independent Family Farming- Build a New Economic System

Source: Schiller Institute

End Famine, Back Independent Family Farming—Build a New Economic System


This new 17-minute video gives excerpts from eight farm, health and other participants—North America, Africa, Europe—at the Sept. 5-6, 2020 Schiller Institute Conference, “War Drive Towards Armageddon—Or a New Paradigm Among Sovereign Nations United by the
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