Tag Archives: NGOs

The Kissinger Report, a Frontal Attack Against African Populations

Why is there still so much poverty in Africa? The Malthusian doctrine devised by Henry Kissinger to keep Africans suffering and for the survivors of poverty and war, there is birth control by one way or another. Henry Kissinger acts for the Western oligarchy. Subtitles in English on Nathalie  Yamb`s … Read the rest

Le Rapport Kissinger, une Attaque Frontale Contre les Populations Africaines

très, très important pour la histoire des Africaines
Source: Nathalie Yamb

Le rapport Kissinger, une attaque frontale contre les populations africaines

6 Octobre 2023

Nathalie Yamb explique comment le dossier NSSM-200, plus connu comme le rapport Kissinger, a inscrit la dépopulation du Tiers-Monde comme fondement de la politique étrangère des

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My Thoughts: Poverty & Ethnicity Kill Democracy in Africa

re posted from                                     AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Many Westerners, European and American institutions and governments falsely assert that elections are the sign of a functioning democracy. This narrow understanding or interpretation of democracy is insufficient. It contributes to the poor conditions of life throughout most of Africa today, and actually Read the rest

Poverty in Afrika is a multi billion dollar business

re posted from                                MSINGI AFRIKA

Poverty in Afrika is a multi billion dollar business

by Samuel Phillips

Have you ever wondered why it looks as if poverty in Afrika cannot be removed? Have you wondered why with all the foreign interventions in Afrika, and all the billions of dollars sent … Read the rest

Economic Co-Operation Between African States Will Bring Unity And Counter Negative Influences

Economic Co-Operation Between African States Will Bring Unity And Counter Negative Influences:

the case of Ethiopia, Sudan and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam ( GERD)

excerpts from an interview by Addis Asefa of Talk to OBN Future Africa and former Sudanese Diplomat, Mekki Elmograbi.

Africa should support GERD”

“GERD … Read the rest

Ouattara Elected President: Cote d’Ivoire Poised for Progress

Cote d’Ivoire, a potential economic hub in West Africa, is already exporting energy to several nations in the region and transporting goods from its port via rail to landlocked Niger and Burkina Faso. With the modernized Abidjan port, Cote d’Ivoire offers a vital gateway for development in West Africa.

re … Read the rest

The ‘Washington Swamp,’Enraged by Egypt’s Progress,Promotes Muslim Brotherhood

re posted from                  EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This article appears in the October 16, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

The ‘Washington Swamp,’
Enraged by Egypt’s Progress,
Promotes Muslim Brotherhood

[Print version of this article]

On Sept. 9, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Subcommittee for the Middle East,

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China-Africa Debt Trap Refuted Again. Belt and Road Building Infrastructure-Developing Africa

re posted from                                            AFRICA AND THE WORLD

China-Africa Debt Trap Refuted Again. Belt and Road Building Infrastructure-Developing Africa

July 12, 2019

This excellent article, once again refutes the slander that China is imposing a ‘debt-trap’ on African nations. The author, Ehizuelen Michael Mitchell Omoruyi, executive director of the Center for Read the rest

Invitation to British ‘Lawn Jockey’ Obama

            LAROUCHE SOUTH AFRICA_____

this article was originally published in Volume 45, Number 25, June 22, 2018 of Executive Intelligence Review


Invitation to British ‘Lawn Jockey’ Obama
Disgraces the Memory of Mandela

by Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane
16 June 2018



Some people have some screws seriously loose over … Read the rest