Solar and Wind are Technologically Backward Forms of Energy Production

As pointed out in this article renewables are not progress, they are  backward forms of energy production. These lower energy dense systems will not sustain African populations at a higher standard of living. The highest energy density comes from nuclear. Africa must go nuclear to end poverty.

re posted from                          FARMING PORTAL

Solar farms use vast amounts of land

by Ivo Vegter

The ultimate in energy density was discovered in the 20th century with the advent of nuclear fission. It produces large amounts of energy from very small amounts of fuel, and emits no carbon dioxide or harmful pollutants at all. Even the small volumes of nuclear waste that is produced do not present any engineering challenges at all.

Thanks to modern science, nuclear fission offers the pinnacle of clean, efficient, abundant and affordable electricity, and will only be dethroned if and when nuclear fusion comes to fruition.

31 August 2022

The history of energy production has long involved exploiting increasingly concentrated sources of energy. Although refining oil for use in lighting and heating was known to the ancient Chinese as long ago as 2000 BCE, most early civilisations used water and wind power to drive grain mills, sawmills, water pumps and other machinery.

Solar energy had limited utility, except in agricultural greenhouses, although by the late 18th century also for furnaces and seawater distillation.

Since the rise of the industrial revolution in the 19th century, however, people started using fuels of increasing energy density, graduating from wood, to coal, to oil, to natural gas.

This progression also goes from more complex molecules containing many carbon atoms, which are heavily polluting, to relatively simple molecules with only a few carbon atoms, or in the case of natural gas (CH4), just one.

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