re posted from AFRICA AND THE WORLD
Exciting News for Africa! Djibouti Will Build Africa’s First Spaceport
The spaceport, expected to include seven satellite launch pads and three rocket testing pads, will be the first orbital spaceport on the continent.
Africa is entering a very exciting period in which it is asserting its scientific and engineering capabilities. Humankind’s exploration of space is the highest form of human discovery of the universe, and introduces into society new advanced technologies. With the completion of Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam in 2025, a scientific-engineering marvel, and the creation of Djibouti’s spaceport in five years, Africa is demonstrating its leadership for the 21st century, and creating the scientific foundation for economic growth. This is true sceintific-econimic progress for the nations of Africa, whcih should make all poeple, of all nations happy.
Janary 23, 2023, Quartz Africa Weekly
Excerpts follow:
Africa could soon get a new spaceport after Djibouti signed a partnership deal with Hong Kong Aerospace Technology to build a facility to launch satellites and rockets in the northern Obock region.
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Exciting News for Africa! Djibouti Will Build Africa’s First Spaceport