Category Archives: Mali

Ancient to Medieval Mali and Niger: Djenné-Djenno sister city of Timbuktu

Ancient to Medieval Mali and Niger: Djenné-Djenno sister city of Timbuktu

by PD Lawton     25 March 2024

image courtesy wikicommons : figure found at Djenné-Djenno still being held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York.

Founded in the third century BCE, the city of Djenné-Djenno covered 33 hectares. It was … Read the rest

Pourquoi la guerre du Sahel aura bien lieu, malgré la levée des sanctions de la Cedeao

Source: Nathalie Yamb

1 Mars 2024

Les sanctions de la Cedeao ont été levées, et pourtant, on se dirige vers une guerre de grande ampleur au Sahel. Nathalie Yamb explique pourquoi Read the rest

ECOWAS has folded!! Sanctions lifted against Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso

BRAVO!  BURKINA FASO, MALI, NIGER  for holding out against imperialist backed African states

Source: Make Afrika Great

25 Feb 2024

ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) has lifted sanctions on Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali. The three countries Read the rest

Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger all leave the ECOWAS

re posted from                      AFROLEGENDS

the slave who is not capable of assuming his rebellion does not deserve that we feel sorry for himself. This slave will respond only to his misfortune if he is deluding himself about the suspect condescension of a master who claims to free him. Only struggle Read the rest

Landlocked Sahel Countries Have Gained Access to Atlantic Ocean Through Morocco Ports

I think it is necessary to believe that elevating the value of the Sahel States will definitely raise Africa`s value which will leverage the entire world”

Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré, Burkina Faso Minister of Foreign affairs

Source: … Read the rest