Africa Speaks Out Against British Imperialism

This article is from               EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

Volume 45 Number 20 May 18, 2018

The article is reproduced here with permission but it does not include images, nor is it in the original format

Africa Speaks Out Against British Imperialism



The British Empire Cannot Withstand the Truth

by Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane

Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane

May 10—Sometime between April 15 and April 20, the website of LaRouche South Africa was attacked by a hacker or hackers, causing it to disappear from the internet entirely. Subsequent investigation has revealed that not only had the website been brought down, but the backup files normally created by the host, which enable a simple restoration of the site, have also been wiped out entirely, as have copies of the same files normally available to the webmaster. Discussions with various specialists in the field confirm that the attack was conducted with a level of sophistication typical of the capability of an intelligence service.

We may never know the identity of the hacker or hackers, but we can state its origin with certainty. We can be certain that this operation was ordered by the highest levels of the British Empire, and carried out by one or more of its numerous assets capable of committing such crimes.

Those familiar with the LaRouche movement know that we are the principal enemy of the anti-human, oligarchical cabal that is the British empire. We have insisted that if the world is to survive the present combined economic, financial, and geopolitical crisis, courageous individuals must move their respective governments to make a fundamental break with the monetarist policies of the British empire which, through its assets, is currently driving the world towards a thermonuclear confrontation with Russia and China. These are the very nations that are leading an emerging New Paradigm, whose origins lie directly in the work over the last half century of the great American economist and statesman, Lyndon LaRouche, and his wife Helga, whose movement I lead in South Africa.

Just prior to the hack of our website, I had delivered written remarks to a conference of the Schiller Institute held in New York City on April 7, in which I called for the creation of a global movement based on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s principle of creative non-violence, as shared by the father of our nation, Nelson Mandela, in support of the New Paradigm, and against the brutal imperial looting policies of the British Empire and its City of London financial power, including its Wall Street satrapy. My remarks were warmly greeted by those assembled which included representatives from Russia and China, as well as many African nations.

In the days that followed, attacks on the Brutish— and on the outlandish provocations they have authored, including the phony gas attack in Syria they attributed to the Syrian government—became sharper, with Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s hour-long report on April 19th on the long history of the British Empire’s policy of savage brutality.

(See item 11, ‘Political crimes committed by the UK’, on this page: policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/ content/id/3178301)

For years, we have urged then President Jacob Zuma to consolidate his turn to the East, towards the New Paradigm based on economic development, by breaking completely with the British Empire. Our website became a source of information supporting this move. It also exposed the British hand behind regime-change efforts in my country. Anyone who wanted to fight the British knew to go to LaRouche South Africa for ammunition and reports on the global fight against the Empire.

Then, on April 21, former President Zuma delivered a one-hour lecture on the crimes of the British Empire in South Africa, at a “Blacks in Dialogue” event in Braamfontein.

That video, originally posted at http://www. of-land-dispossession/, has now been deleted, as have all repostings on the Internet. On April 28, I issued a statement in support of Mr. Zuma, adding that this was not an academic matter of historical footnoting but the burning issue driving current history. How “convenient” it was that my statement could not be posted, and that our website was not available to those looking to back up Mr. Zuma’s history.

And, how convenient it is that our website is down just as our new President, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, heads for London to kiss the Royal rump and to present himself in person to take orders from his masters. Adding insult to injury, it has just been announced that the British lawn jockey, former U.S. President Barack Obama, will be delivering the 16th annual Nelson Mandela memorial lecture this July in Johannesburg, on the centenary of our great father’s birth. Can you believe that?

We had plenty of information on our website demonstrating the disgrace and treacherousness of such a travesty. The Brutish empire fears the truth, as well it should. But let me state clearly that it shall neither escape the deserved fate of all tyrannies, nor shall its perfidy go unreported, especially here in South Africa. We will shortly bring our website and its truth-telling content back online. We will do our job in bringing about an early defeat and end to the Brutish Empire.

In this, the one hundred year anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, let the truth finally set us free. Patriots: join us in this fight! Sic transit Gloria mundi.

Source: Executive Intelligence Review


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