re posted from MSINGI AFRIKA
Mfuniselwa BhenguDr. Bhengu is an Independent Researcher on Afrikan philosophy, Afrikology…
A study of the African universe is inevitably a study of African ideas of the human being, for the African view of the world is a human-centred one. We believe that a man is a self-defining animal. Rather than a being able to exist in isolation from all else that there is, we may view him/her as an organism, relying for his/her existence on living in a state of exchange with his surroundings – being able to influence them but also being influenced by them. But even more than this: we may consider him/her as living in the world in a state of exchange with other agents both like and unlike himself, forming communities such that together they can do more than they could ever do alone. As an agent immersed in the world with other agents in community with them, man faces the task of acting not just intelligently, but responsibly.
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