Fmr President Kabila’s Side picks guns and joins M23 to fight Congo

top comment:  “Rwanda and Congo had good relations during a Hutu led regimes, just like Burundi right now. Current Tutsi regime of Kagame had conflicts with all their neighbours. So Its not rocket science that Hutu should take power in Rwanda to end Great lakes Conflicts. Tutsi cannot live in Read the rest

African Integrated High Speed Rail Network

UNITY OF PURPOSE for African Economic Development: the African Integrated High Speed Railway Network

by PD Lawton, 24 March 2024

The concept of a modernized, standardized and integrated continental railway was devised by the African Union in 2013 as part of Agenda 2063 `The Africa We Want`. The key principle … Read the rest

Paul Kagame: Made in the West

Paul Kagame:  Made in America, Britain and Israel

Conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa – Origins and Solutions: Presentation given by Keith Harmon Snow, Oslo,

There is the mainstream narrative of what has happened in Rwanda and Congo and Burundi and Uganda and Sudan and there is the … Read the rest

Paul Kagame: Made in America, Britain and Israel

Paul Kagame:  Made in America, Britain and Israel

Conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa – Origins and Solutions:

Presentation given by Keith Harmon Snow, Oslo, 24 October 2016

Keith Harmon Snow : Regent’s Lecturer in Law and Society at the University of California Santa Barbara, writer, photographer, war Read the rest


Africom’s Covert War in Sudan

On 4 March 2009 the ICC prosecutors announced that they were at last issuing the long-threatened but first ever indictments against a sitting head of state, Omar al-Bashir, the Arab President of Sudan. Meanwhile, Somali ‘pirates’ off East Africa recently freed

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COP 28 Will Not Stop Africa: The World’s Next Economic Miracle

re posted from                            EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This article appears in the December 22, 2023 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

COP 28 Will Not Stop Africa:
The World’s Next Economic Miracle

Dec. 6—Africa will not accept the Malthusian demands of the billionaires who jet to United Nations “climate”

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Gertler’s Bling Bang Torah Gang

re posted from                        DISSIDENT VOICE

Gertler’s Bling Bang Torah Gang

Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo (Part 1)

Maurice Tempelsman is one of the top funders of the Democratic Party who has funded Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Templesman was the

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East African Community continues on a trajectory of expansion as Summit admits Somalia into the bloc

re posted from                                    EAST AFRICA COMMUNITY

East African Community continues on a trajectory of expansion as Summit admits Somalia into the bloc

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 25th November, 2023: The East African Community has once more expanded its borders and market … Read the rest

Musina- Makhado: Economic Integration and Mineral Beneficiation for SADC

Musina- Makhado: Economic Integration and Mineral Beneficiation for SADC

by PD Lawton, 18 October 2023


Musina- Makhado Special Economic Zone (MMSEZ) is a proposed industrial park in South Africa, designated with tax incentives as a special economic zone (SEZ). It is an initiative of the Limpopo Province … Read the rest