Germany Assists Nigeria in Power Grid Buildup
Aug. 27 (EIRNS)—The federal government of Nigeria has embarked on a massive project under the Presidential Power Initiative (formerly the Nigeria Electrification Roadmap) which was formed between the government of Nigeria and Germany in 2018, to upgrade and expand its electricity transmission and distribution network in the course of the next five years.
The project features Germany’s Siemens AG committed to the upgrading of 105 power substations, construction of 7 new ones, distribution of up to 35 new transformers as well as installation of distribution lines. The project, run on the PPI (Private Participation in Infrastructure) approach, will be undertaken in three phases.
The first phase is focused on “quick-win” measures to increase the end-to-end operational capacity of the country’s electricity grid to 7 GW between 2020 and 2021. It entails upgrade of existing substations, construction of containerized GIS Substations, as well as the development of 132/33 kV Mobile Substations and installation of 132/33 kV (60 MVA) transformers and transmission lines.
Phase two targets to achieve 11 GW between 2021-2023, with full use of existing generation and last-mile distribution capacity, while phase three would see the achievement of the planned 25 GW between 2023-2025 with appropriate upgrades and expansion in the generation, transmission, and distribution.
The transmission and distribution network upgrade and expansion project are meant to address the imbalance between power generation, evacuation, dispatch, and consumption, which has been a major challenge for the population of Nigeria. So far, the gap between power actually generated, and power finally arriving at consumers, is enormous: Of 13 GW of grid power generation capacity installed in the country, only about 3.4 GW reaches consumers.
The project is a relatively small one for Siemens, and definitely Germany and its industry could do much more, not only in Nigeria, but also in other African countries where the electric power system needs urgent modernization or, in most cases, construction of new power-generating capacities.
Source: EIR Daily Alert Service