Economic Policy for Renewable De-Growth and De-Population

Economic Policy for Renewable De-Growth and De-Population:

The City of London`s attack on South Africa`s Nuclear Sector

by PD Lawton , 31 August 2018

The following is analysis of a report which contributed to the rejection of the Zuma administration`s proposed expansion of South Africa`s nuclear industry.

The author of the report Grové Steyn, has been an influencial economic advisor to the South African energy sector,a leading South African economist and member of the team who drafted the 1998 White Paper on Energy Policy. As a proponent of renewable energy, Steyn is one of the more outrageous dishonest manipulators who are putting South Africa’s nuclear future under attack.

Steyn is in sync with the British policy of de-growth, de-industrialization and therefore de-population. His economic policy is unfortunately standard economics of today, but what is even more disturbing is that he appears to have been trained in a mentally manipulative technique known as Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Common Purpose , a British charity that supposedly develops leadership skills, is funded by the banks of Wall Street and City of London. It works in countries across the world and is active in Africa under the think- tank Africa Venture which works with the modern day incarnation of the Club of Rome, the World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid .

Common Purpose run courses in South Africa called Meridian and Navigator. Grové Steyn is a partener in a firm called Meridian Economics whose logo is `Navigating Complexity.`

The theme of so-called “renewable” energy appears constantly in Common Purpose propaganda wherever Common Purpose is found.Grové Steyn’s purpose, aligned with Common Purpose, is to divert South Africa from nuclear energy in favor of solar panels and windmills.

Common Purpose promote renewable energy as a form of Sustainable Development. China use this term Sustainable Development but the Chinese meaning of this term is diametrically the opposite of the underlying agenda behind London`s de-growth and anti-industrial intention.

Common Purpose use manipulative and deceptive Neuro Linguistic Programming . They teach students to sell their opinions, to develop their sales pitch skills in order to `overcome resistance`.They teach people to become con- artists by `helping` others reach the `right` decision. Are their graduates problem solvers or brainwashed con artists ? Neuro Linguistic Programming teaches `behavioral flexability` in order to be an `influencial` speaker. Common Purpose have renamed these deceptive techniques and use terms such as `cultural intelligence` and `leading beyond authority.`

Common Purpose is a front organization to promote among its other agendas, the Club of Rome`s Green Energy policy.

While the rest of Africa considers nuclear, South Africa, the continent`s industrial giant, is being advised to return to the European Dark Ages by economic advisors such as Steyn whose latest call is for the country`s wind energy sector to be government subsidized. This has nothing to do with making wind energy a favourable public choice as an energy provider, as Steyn and others claim, it is a measure to hide the real costs of wind energy which are high.

Economic experts who call for South Africa to go green are playing a very stupid and very deadly game!

Germany is now experiencing the end result of a carbon-free , de-nuclearized green economy. Germany, the industrial giant of Europe, is now sliding  downhill in terms of productivity as they discover that candles and windmills are Medieval relics from Europe`s feudal past.

This article is not about the pros and cons of nuclear power but aims to demonstrate just how insiduous London`s anti-industrial, de-growth policy is and how it funds and brainwashes economic experts who play this stupid and deadly game. The green energy industry promotes economic policy that is as fake as the fake money from the Wall Street banks that fund it. The economics it promotes is genocidal in that it will not secure a future of human progress but will return us to a feudal past in a de-populated world.

The report under scrutiny is titled `The Future of Nuclear Energy in South Africa: The challenges of decision making under uncertainty.`

Steyn begins his presentation by subtlely discounting nuclear derived energy from the start. The title uses the word uncertainty which is the main theme of his report. He then uses a classic technique :` framing the debate`. By doing this the parameters of discussion are limited .

He then comes out with a statement which is shockingly lacking in reason. “The future is unknowable, humans suffer from “Bounded rationality, the challenge therefore is one of decision making under uncertainty and “ignorance”.`

The subliminal intent of those words is to make the reader doubt their judgement and think that they are neither sufficiently capable or rational or knowlageable to make an important decision. Bounded rationality is a term coined by American economist Herbert Simon, an adherent to British philosophy that man is bestial and functions like a machine; that man is basically a stupid brute.

The future is unknowable because it is up to humanity to use our creativity to create the future!

The report continues with further subliminal messages that imbed in the reader`s mind ideas of fear, uncertainty, caution, self-doubt and limitations.He writes:

“We thus need to devise a strategy for allocating scarce capital resources in the face of uncertainty………in the face of a highly uncertain future.”

He goes on to introduce the idea of non-commitment, staying in the present situation:

“The insight that options have value.The greater the uncertainty the greater the value of maintaining our options.”

His underlying message is to stick with what you know, do not commit to further investment in nuclear energy. He is in effect suggesting that options should be closed.

The sublimal message of fear and that the reader is but helpless in the lap of circumstance is continued with a later statment:

” We don` know what it is that we don`t know…….Humans suffer from bounded rationality, a systemic inability to comprehend the nature, scope and scale of uncertainty.”

The report includes graphs of potential “Demand Uncertainty” and states that ” “Demand could be far greater or far less than forecast; over a period of between 15-50 years or longer.”

If you say you don’t know whether demand for electric power will increase in future, you are admitting that you want to  prevent industrialization and slow down population growth . If the living standard of South Africans is to rise then it goes without saying that the demand for electricty will rise.How can an economist not plan for future progress!

Investment in nuclear energy is a qualitative improvement for the economy, it is not quantitative. Progress within the nuclear industry, dependent on investment, will lead to nuclear fusion which is unlimited, virtually free energy.

Steyn takes this opportunity to attack large and complex infrastructure such as the recent railway improvement Gautrain, various Transnet projects and other large infrastructure improvements recently implemented by the government. The report does not mention the multiple benefits that investment in the physical economy, state or private, in large scale infrastructure bring to the economy. Large scale and mega infrastucture only advance an economy. The benefits can only outweigh the costs.The Kenyan economy is already improving due to the newly built Mombasa to Nairobi standard guage railway. The same is happening in Djibouti and Ethiopia. Where African states are developing their infrasructure with the Belt and Road Initiative, the economies are improving at rates far higher than predicted.

The report asserts that the energy sector must diversify in order to satisfy popular choice. The suggestion is that the public must be given the right to choose green energy as a provider. With economic advice such as this report, the public will remain grossly ignorant of the energy requirements of a progressive economy than remains not in a static position but in a negantropic state, a continous trend upwards.

The report states: “If we know that our forecasts will be wrong, that 15-20 years from now the world is likely to be a very different place in ways that we cannot yet imagine; does long-term planning still make sense? Should we not face up to the realities of bounded rationality and the limits of planning…”

If human beings approached the future with ideas like that then we would still be living in caves, clubbing wild animals to death for survival!

Next this economist suggests as a strategy ” Incrementalism: The science of muddling through [which] eschews attempts at large-scale rational comprehensive planning; in favour of modest approaches that recognise the realities of bounded rationality and uncertainty; poses a challenge to the mastery -via-understanding of Western civilization .”

Incrementalism is the British policy of `gradualism` that Africa`s founding father Kwame Nkrumah fought against. Had Africa under the Organisation of African Unity taken the road suggested by Nkrumah and Nasser 60 years ago, it would already be an economic super-power. Muddling through is not a science, it is a cave -like existance for a bestial-minded Neanderthal.

The report goes on to promote diversity in the energy sector:” [to] accomodate disparate interests associated with social choice in modern pluralistic societies.”The suggestion is that nuclear is an inflexible technology.This economist makes it seem like choosing an energy provider is like being in a candy store. No, we are not in a candy store, we are deciding the future of millions of citizens, a question of their very survival! This belief in a `flexible` approach to the future is like saying, no we don`t head for the stars, we will just make pop-corn instead because it`s safer and cheaper! Wind power is an inflexible and limited technology.

Having used Neuro Linguistic Programming to `frame` the reader`s thinking and put them in a position of self-doubt and uncertainty, the author finally gives his opinion of nuclear energy: ” A programme of large scale Nuclear plant is therefore not an appropriate strategy for dealing [with] the real world uncertainty.”…”Given its size, the nuclear route will introduce major systemic risk to the economy.”

South Africa already has a world class nuclear industry.

Further investment in the industry would not bankcrupt the state. With such investment South Africa has the potential to be one of the most modernized economies in the world. Advancement in nuclear technology will not only provide the cheapest and cleanest and most reliable source of industrial energy but it will advance the development of the economy to a higher level.

The green energy sector bases its non-science on entropy. Entropic systems will only stagnate and decline taking with them the future of mankind under economic policies designed for de-growth and de-population.


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