re posted from AFRICA AND THE WORLD
Celebrate Africa’s New Free Trade Agreement: Terminate CFA franc
Celebrate Africa’s New Free Trade Agreement: Terminate CFA franc
June 1 , 2019
With the initiation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement on May 30, 2019, now is the time for African nations to finally jettison the CFA frank, a relic of French Colonialism. No longer should 14 African nations have their sovereignty infringed upon by a former European colonial country. Economic sovereignty is inviolate. For a nation to develop its full economic potential it must control its currency, which is a from of national credit. One of the great accomplishments of the President’s George Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, was his creation of a National Bank, which unified all the currencies and debt held by the thirteen colonies. A nation that does not have sovereign authority over its currency and credit will never be truly free, and its people will suffer from underdevelopment..

Read: Africa’s CFA Franc Colonial Relic or Stabilizing Force
Source: lawrencefreemanafricaandtheworld