ABSOLUTELY UNMISSABLE !!!! Mike Billington`s talk here is a mind-blowing history lesson, exposing the degenerate political and economic machinations of Wall Street and the City of London aka the British Empire. Mr Billington explains that what we are witnessing are the death throws of a dying degenerate oligarchy that knows it cannot exist much longer in its morally and financially bankrupt state; challenged by the INCREDIBLE ENERGY OF THE NEW PARADIGM !!! THE FUTURE FOR ALL OF US IS A BREAK FROM THE PAST
Source: LaRouchePAC Live
“Bridging the Unbridgeable Gaps” and the end of Geopolitics
EIR’s Michael Billington details how geopolitics and British oligarchy are about to go extinct as the world enters a New Paradigm dominated by ideas fought for by decades by Lyndon LaRouche and his collaborators. In Asia “65 years of created division is about to be overcome,” where the British-manipulated “cockpit for war” on the Korean peninsula is about to come to an end. Likewise, Billington cited other “unbridgeable gaps” being closed, like the recent call by leaders of China and Japan for the world to move beyond the era of competition into a new era of cooperation, echoing the spirit of Lyndon LaRouche’s SDI proposal of the 1980s. Likewise, there is the emerging economic cooperation between Russia and Japan in the development of the Arctic and the Russian Far East.
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