“We should remember that Kissinger may well know the hour that the old world order is unredeemably and forever gone but we should not forget that it was Kissinger`s policy of NSSM 200, agreed upon in 1974, which was one big part of this murderous depopulation policy, Malthusian policy, against the developing countries.”
re posted from LAROUCHEPAC
“All Men Shall Be Brothers”: From COVID-19 to The New Paradigm
Live Saturday, April 4 at 2pm EDT. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Jacques Cheminade and Hussein Askary address the United States on the LaRouche movement’s mobilization to enact Lyndon LaRouche’s economic policies globally to address the gross lack of development around the world. There are no ‘national’ solutions to the COVID-19 or financial crises, only global solutions.