Monthly Archives: October 2020

Green Power, Political Pessimism and Opposition to the Development of the African Interior with Transaqua

Green Power, Political Pessimism and Opposition to the Development of the African Interior with Transaqua

by PD Lawton ,         18 October 2020

We live in strange times where supposedly eminent scientists tell us that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and its increase is linked to higher temperatures and that therefore Read the rest

Are the British Fueling Violence in Ivory Coast Presidential Election?

re posted from                                 AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Are the British Fueling Violence in Ivory Coast Presidential Election?

(image: courtesy of

October 10, 2020
The provocative title of the article, The Vengeance of old men- A dangerous election looms in Ivory Coast, published in the London Economist should not be
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Trump Administration Intervention Against Ethiopia Undermines Africa’s Progress

re posted from                             AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Trump Administration Intervention Against Ethiopia Undermines Africa’s Progress

October9, 2020

While I have rarely, if ever agreed with any position of the {London School of Economics}, or for that matter, the {Washington Post}, and don’t’ support all the content that is contained Read the rest

Nigeria and Egypt Building Railroads: Great News For Africa

re posted from                           AFRICA AND THE WORLD

By denying African nations rail systems that connected the continent and electricity to industrialize their economies, the African people have been forced to lived in poverty brought about by imposed underdevelopment.

Nigeria and Egypt Building Railroads: Great News For Africa

October 7, 2020… Read the rest

How long till our accounts are robbed?/ Morrison`s manufacturing miss

this is not just informative for Australia

Source: Australian Citizens Party

2 October – Citizens Report – How long till our accounts are robbed? / Morrison’s manufacturing miss

1. Bail-in plotters scripting crisis management; how long till our accounts are robbed?

2. Morrison’s mealy-mouthed manufacturing miss

Presented by Elisa Barwick Read the rest

Water Transfer With Transaqua Will Bring Peace & Development to Lake Chad Basin

re posted from                                   AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Water Transfer With Transaqua Will Bring Peace & Development to Lake Chad Basin

The multi-nation Transaqua water infrastructure project can reverse the shrinking of Lake Chad and bring stability to the region and transform Africa. (picture courtesy of

October 1, 2020

This Read the rest

UN Speech by Ivory Coast President: “Bolder Measures” Needed To Help African Economies Hit by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the fore, for all the world to see, the gross failure of the current globalized system. We, humanity, will only progress when we establish a higher platform of economy, one dedicated to the promotion of human life, not the balance sheets of debts

re … Read the rest

RAND Working Paper Refutes Critics of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

re posted from                              EIR DAILY ALERT SERVICE

RAND Working Paper Refutes Critics of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Oct. 1 (EIRNS)—A May 2020 “working paper” issued by the RAND Corporation entitled “Demystifying the Belt and Road Initiative: A Clarification of Its Key Features, Objectives and Impacts,” gives an … Read the rest

The Foreign Interference Pushing Australia to War with China – Melissa Harrison

extremely interesting research which identifies the MIC funding of the anti-China propaganda. the same vehicles being used that peddled `WMDs`

“I want to ask people to keep in mind when they are hearing all this stuff about China just look at who is saying it. Don`t take it on face … Read the rest