The World’s Wealthiest Poor Continent

re posted from                          MSINGI AFRIKA

The World`s Wealthiest Poor Continent

by Anselm Adodo            November 1 , 2020

The western, capitalist narrative that Agriculture will save Africa is false and misleading. No nation has ever become developed by focusing on subsistence farming or Agriculture. The surest way to wealth creation is MANUFACTURING. Africa is the only continent that exports over 80% of its raw materials, either willingly or by force.

Therefore, Africa is the world’s largest producer of wealth for everyone on earth-except its own people.

I hear a lot of people say that the new source of wealth in Africa is digital wealth, information communication technology, internet, and mobile banking technology. Do not be deceived by such a false premise. The foundation of the so-called information technology of today is manufacturing. For every dollar that Africa makes from Mobile phone technology and the internet, she generates at least ten thousand dollars for the rest of the world. For the ‘developed’ countries of the world to sustain their growth, they need unhindered access to Africa’s raw materials.

As we speak, hundreds of thousands of Congolese children work themselves to death in Congolese mines where they mine cobalt, earning one dollar a day. Cobalt is used in making the lithium batteries that power your mobile phones and cameras.

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