The War of the Worlds – a conversation with Alex Krainer

re posted from                 VANESSA BEELEY SUBSTACK

The war of the worlds – a conversation with Alex Krainer

A fascinating insight into the multi-spectrum wars that are gathering momentum globally

A very important conversation with economist and geopolitical analyst Alex Krainer, author of The Grand Deception – the Browder Hoax. You can follow Alex on his Substack and on Twitter. Here is an excerpt from his latest on Substack:

The fact that the American political system seems to be evolving toward the model of its former colonizer, Great Britain is very significant. It suggests that like Britain, the U.S. is being ruled by a hidden oligarchy. Behind the establishment’s self-serving facade, Britain is not a democracy at all, and that fact is obvious once you scratch below the surface. In his 1966 book, “Tragedy and Hope,” professor Carrol Quigley had much to say about the British political system.

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